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The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

The Bobcat Prowl

The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

Max Schwartzman

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief

In addition to his communication with over 60 world leaders, Max Schwartzman is the Editor-in-Chief of South Windsor High School’s award winning newspaper, The Bobcat Prowl. He is strongly committed to keeping our school’s newspaper great, teaching the writers about the art of journalism, and working alongside his incredible staff. In his free time, Max is the author of a book that originated from an article on The Prowl, as well as a dedicated volunteer for various non-profit organizations. Max has his sights set on a career in diplomacy and foreign service, and he’s willing to do whatever is needed to succeed. 

All content by Max Schwartzman
The Bobcat Prowl prepares for one chapter to end and another to begin.

[Photo] The New Boss of Nevers Road

Maanya Pande, Finance Manager
May 1, 2024

Eliza Blanchfield and Max Schwartzman sitting on a French train during the France-Spain trip of 2024

A world language class at South Windsor High School, ready to serve the future needs of its students.

[Photo] An Expanding World language Department

Brianna Sweeney, Staff Writer
May 1, 2024

A world language class at South Windsor High School, ready to serve the future needs of its students.

A partial collection of the letters and parcels from the world leaders.

Educating Others with Help from 50+ World Leaders

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief
May 30, 2023

This article won a Columbia Scholastic Press Association Golden Circle Award, one of the highest honors in student journalism.

The Effiel Tower lights up after sunset, as students look on

Adventures and Escapades Across Europe

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief
April 18, 2024

Staring up at the elegant steel-clad Eiffel Tower, watching the fairytale-esque French countryside roll by outside the train window, watching the cold green waves of the Mediterranean crash into the...

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SWHS students get excited for the upcoming France-Spain trip. (Made with Canva)

Educational Adventures Across the Atlantic

Max Schwartzman and Eliza Blanchfield
March 16, 2024

Over April break, 102 students and staff will embark on an 11 day trip across France and Spain, getting to explore a place few of them have visited before.  The trip's itinerary includes visits to...

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A mouse's perspective of the English hallway in South Windsor High School.

A Mouse in the Clubhouse

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief
February 8, 2024

Scurrying through the abyss and deep silently, looking for its next victim. The creature lurks, eying its target. As it emerges from the dark, screams ring out, commotion sets in, and fear becomes widespread....

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Connecticut doesn't respect the rights of student journalists, that must change. Made with Canva.

Connecticut Doesn’t Support Student Journalism. Here’s How to Fix That

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief
February 3, 2024

As a state that prides itself on being the “Constitution State,” Connecticut does not extend the most fundamental elements of our Constitution’s First Amendment to the voices of the future, hindering...

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A student looks over his bets on a popular online sports book.

Students Bet Big with Online Sportsbooks

Ryan Rahman and Max Schwartzman
January 9, 2024

Editor's note: Given the nature of this article, all student sources have been granted anonymity to protect them from any social or legal reprisal Amongst teens, there exists a seemingly secretive world...

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Italian Club

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief
December 21, 2023

The Italian Club baked up some sweet desserts after school on Wednesday, December 20th with Mrs. Zaccardelli in room 105 to celebrate the holiday season.

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For the past 50 years, the Open Choice program has offered Hartford students the opportunity to attend public schools in suburban towns and suburban students the opportunity to attend public schools in Hartford.

Making the Right Choice

For half a century, the Open Choice program has been creating an opportunity, allowing Hartford and surrounding suburban students to break educational barriers. South Windsor Public Schools proudly participates...

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Voting for South Windsor took place at South Windsor High School on November 7th.

South Windsor Experiences Red Wave

Max Schwartzman and Eliza Blanchfield
November 9, 2023

In a surprising upset, historically Democrat-controlled South Windsor experienced a big Republican victory in Tuesday’s election resulting in a change in the town’s government.  On November 7th,...

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Bobcats Feel the Spirit

heck out the Prowl's video coverage of the pep rally.

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The Harvard University Lowell Dormitory Building's Bell Tower at Night.

Spending the Summer at Harvard

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief
September 25, 2023

Nestled between the Charles River and the city of Cambridge, Harvard University is a place that typically conjures up images of beautiful historic buildings and a sprawling, yet serene, landscaped...

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Madame President Has Arrived

Jack Huot and Max Schwartzman
May 23, 2023

On the 19th of May 2023, Angelina Francesca Bellizzi was voted into office for President of the Class of 2024. Bellizzi, 16, went against Rayan Zaki and Olivia Kvadus. The race was close with Zaki, the...

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The Bobcat Prowl student newspaper staff poses with members of the S.W. Youth and Family Services and the S.W. Alliance for Families after being awarded a grant.

Prowl Awarded Grant

The Bobcat Prowl is pleased to announce that we have been awarded the inaugural “Make A Change” mini grant.  Early on April 21, South Windsor Alliance for Families (SWAFF) and South Windsor Youth...

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SWHS 2023 student park pass

[Photo] Parking Pass Problem

Shamyla Milner, Staff Writer
November 7, 2022

SWHS student scrolling through his social media feed in class.

[Photo] Is it Time to Cancel Cancel Culture?

Maria Verly, Wire Services Manager
February 24, 2023

SWHS student scrolling through his social media feed in class.

The view of the Blue Spruce Open Space from Frazer Fir Pond.

How to Spend a Snow Day in South Windsor?

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief
February 28, 2023

Picture this: You’ve woken up late in the morning, the ground is covered in snow, and you’ve nowhere to go. What would you spend the day doing - or not doing? With almost half a foot of snow on...

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The Frozen Winter Wonderland of Montmorency Falls just North of Quebec City.

[Photo] Vers le Grand Nord Blanc (To the Great White North)

Victoria Davies, Guest Writer
February 26, 2023

The Frozen Winter Wonderland of Montmorency Falls just North of Quebec City.

Mrs. Flachsbart's Period 6 AP Lang Class exchanging gifts and holiday cheer.

Ready for the Holidays: AP Lang Secret Santa

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief
December 23, 2022

Tis’ the season to be jolly and merry, especially in Mrs. Flachsbart’s period 6 AP Lang class, which participated in a student run “Secret Santa” gift exchange on December 20th. Occurring right...

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Writing Center tutor, Paul, helping a student, Susanna, with their writing.

Helpful Resources: The Writing Center

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief
November 18, 2022

Writing is often a difficulty for many students, but what if there was a place full of friendly faces wanting to help with your writing? This may sound like a fantasy but is nothing short of reality.  The...

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Accept all Cookies

Accept all Cookies

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief
November 17, 2022

‘Tis the season for the greatest ongoing debate in all of human history: are boxed frosted sugar cookies the greatest thing ever invented, or the most vile cardboard-esque snack? Today, we’re here...

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South Windsor High School cast of The Giver

SWHS Presents: The Giver

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief
November 17, 2022

This Friday, November 18, at 7pm, the curtains will open to the much anticipated SWHS rendition of The Giver. While tickets have been going fast, there are still plenty available for you and all your friends.  The...

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Animal silhouettes laid out as the American flag.

Meet the Third Parties Running Midterm Candidates

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief
November 2, 2022

With the Midterms just around the corner, many Americans are making their final decisions on who to vote for. However, most Americans only think of the Republican and Democratic parties, not even realizing...

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Letters from the Presidents

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief
October 6, 2022

Over the summer of 2022, I, on the behalf of The Prowl, began to write a series of letters to the leaders of all the world’s countries. YES, ALL the world's leaders. In each letter, I asked one question:...

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USCG Oliver Henry Entering Port.

Un-American: US Coast Guard Barred from Entry to Solomon Islands

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief
September 8, 2022

In the Pacific Island nation of the Solomon Islands, a United States Coast Guard Cutter was prohibited from docking with experts citing Chinese influence as a primary cause.  The US Coast Guard Cutter...

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“Save Our Schools” Demonstration at SWHS

“Save Our Schools” Demonstration at SWHS

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief
June 9, 2022

On a foggy and gray Thursday morning, approximately two dozen students held up signs and gave speeches to warn of the danger of school violence as morning bus offloading occurred. Walking the track of...

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Aliens or Chinese Drones: Secretive Congressional Hearing Raises Questions on Unidentified Flying Objects

Aliens or Chinese Drones: Secretive Congressional Hearing Raises Questions on Unidentified Flying Objects

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief
May 25, 2022

"What is true, and I'm actually being serious here, is that there are, there's footage and records of objects in the skies, that we don't know exactly what they are. We can't explain how they moved, their...

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Invasive Cocaine Hippopotami Run Rampant in Colombia—Ruled Legally People in U.S. Court

Invasive Cocaine Hippopotami Run Rampant in Colombia—Ruled Legally People in U.S. Court

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief
February 14, 2022

The lasting effects of Pablo Escobar on the nation of Colombia are numerous, yet none more apparent than that of his former zoo creatures running wild around the mountains of Northern Colombia. While Escobar’s...

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Locally Based Charity’s Event Helps Thousands of Women in Need

Locally Based Charity’s Event Helps Thousands of Women in Need

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief
December 6, 2021

In their annual Giving Thanks event, locally based charity Dignity Grows provided over 3,000 local women health and hygiene products this past Sunday.  Dignity Grows, founded in 2019 by Jessica Zachs,...

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Prowl Staff Thanksgiving Reflections

Prowl Staff Thanksgiving Reflections

Cael: Amid my final year at South Windsor High School, as I cut through the tumultuous world of applying to colleges, what I hold gratitude for has shifted entirely. This year seemingly out of the blue...

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An Interesting Fact About All 46 American Presidents

An Interesting Fact About All 46 American Presidents

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief
November 11, 2021

People often debate on who was the worst president or who was the most ignorant president, but what about who was the weirdest president or the most interesting? While studying American history, particularly...

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Chinese Testing of Space Nukes Threatens United States

Chinese Testing of Space Nukes Threatens United States

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief
October 29, 2021

In mid-August of 2021, China tested its first hypersonic missile. This test which wouldn't even be known about until recently may help usher in a new kind of arms race between the Peoples Republic of China...

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Hawaiian Volcano Eruption

Hawaiian Volcano Eruption

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief
October 14, 2021

Hawaiian volcano has a code red eruption, but there is no current or immediate danger to the local population as of now. Hawaiian Volcanoes National Park volcano Kilauea erupted on September 30, 2021....

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