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The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

The Bobcat Prowl

The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

Aasrith Veerapaneni

Aasrith Veerapaneni, Content Editor

Aasrith Veerapaneni is a senior at South Windsor High School, and the Content Editor for The Bobcat Prowl this year. When not working with the Prowl, he has his fingerprints all over the Music department, being a proud member of Choral Spectrum and Understaffed. He also watches a large variety of different sports, keeping himself up to date with all the stats and facts throughout the year. His passion for English and writing, and his competitive drive, is evident in all of his work.

All content by Aasrith Veerapaneni
The 3 seniors representing South Windsor in the Ivy Leagues next year (made with Canva)

Thinking of Applying to an Ivy League School?

The 3 seniors representing South Windsor in the Ivy Leagues next year (made with Canva)

The South Windsor High School Softball team lining up before winning 13-7 and securing a spot in the 2024 state playoffs.

A Turnaround to Talk About

The South Windsor High School softball team has been making waves in the local sports scene with their impressive performances recently. The team's dedication, hard work, and cohesive play have been key...

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Maanya Pande, Eliza Blanchfield, Aasrith Veerapaneni, Eli, and Max Schwartzman celebrating The Prowl's first award of 2024

[Photo] The New Boss of Nevers Road

Maanya Pande, Finance Manager
May 1, 2024

Maanya Pande, Eliza Blanchfield, Aasrith Veerapaneni, Eli, and Max Schwartzman celebrating The Prowl's first award of 2024

Freshman Pooravi Srivastava, Anouska Das, and juniors Mira Kannan and Smriti Rajan stand in front of the Old State House in Hartford with their awards.

Debating Bobcats Finish 1-2

Aasrith Veerapaneni, Content Editor
April 19, 2024

On Tuesday, April 16, a small group of South Windsor students traveled to the Old State House in Hartford for the last debate competition of the year. In those hallowed halls where Noah Webster and Prudence...

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Choral Spectrum hits the final pose of their second song.

Spectrum is Gold!

Maanya Pande and Aasrith Veerapaneni
March 27, 2024

On Saturday, March 23, South Windsor High School’s award-winning show choir, Choral Spectrum,  took the long trip to attend Bishop Hendricken High School in Rhode Island. The group, directed by Mr....

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Junior Gwangsu "Ethan" Kim posing in front of the auditorium where he frequently performs.

Finding a Home on the Stage

Recently, junior Gwangsu “Ethan” Kim has been given the opportunity to perform one of the lead roles of the upcoming program put on by South Windsor High School, “The Play That Goes Wrong¨. For...

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Victoria 'Tori' Brindis posing in front a painting on the sidewalks of California.

Dancing Her Way Through the Unknown

Aasrith Veerapaneni, Content Editor
March 6, 2024

Taking the massive leap into the unknown, away from everyone you are close to, is a feat not for the faint of heart. 2008 SWHS graduate Tori Brindis is no exception to this fact, yet when she wrapped up...

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The annual choral, band and orchestra concerts at South Windsor High School took place the week of December 11th.

[Photo] Winter Concerts

Elizabeth Sinclair, Web Editor/ News Specialist
December 18, 2023

The annual choral, band and orchestra concerts at South Windsor High School took place the week of December 11th.

For the past 50 years, the Open Choice program has offered Hartford students the opportunity to attend public schools in suburban towns and suburban students the opportunity to attend public schools in Hartford.

Making the Right Choice

For half a century, the Open Choice program has been creating an opportunity, allowing Hartford and surrounding suburban students to break educational barriers. South Windsor Public Schools proudly participates...

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Sophomore volleyball starter, London Bascomb has had an incredible season helping her team make it to the second round of the state tournament.

Featured Athlete: London Bascomb

Aasrith Veerapaneni, Content Editor
November 14, 2023

Prowl: How would you describe your playing style and what are your greatest strengths on the court? Bascomb: "I'd describe myself as a hard-working, dedicated athlete, and my biggest strength is my...

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Senior Caden Johnson discusses his motivation on the field and his inspiration for beginning his career in football.

Featured Athlete: Caden Johnson

Aasrith Veerapaneni, Content Editor
November 6, 2023

Prowl: How would you describe your playing style, and what are your greatest strengths on the field? Johnson: “I think that I'm a pretty physical player and that I'm not afraid of contact. I also...

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The auditorium at SWHS awaits an audience to witness the talents of the music department.

No Longer an Underground Underdog

Aasrith Veerapaneni, Content Editor
October 24, 2023

One of the strongest, and most underrated, parts of the South Windsor High School community has long been the performers of the Music Department. Featuring a line up of everything from guitar classes to...

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Senior Angelina Bellizzi hits the ball to start the play in the game against Southington. The Bobcats won the game 4-3.

Featured Athlete: Angelina Bellizzi

Aasrith Veerapaneni, Content Editor
October 23, 2023

Prowl: How would you describe your playing style and what are your greatest strengths on the field? Bellizzi: My playing style consists of being there before the offender. As a defender, it's important...

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Senior Emerson Iacovelli is having an incredible soccer season. During the game against Platt, Iacovelli scored a hat trick putting the team up 7-0. Iacovelli also scored 2 goals against East Hartford bringing the team 4-0.

Featured Athlete: Emerson Iacovelli

Aasrith Veerapaneni, Content Editor
October 18, 2023

Prowl: How would you describe your playing style and what are your greatest strengths on the field? Iacovelli: I would describe my playing style as one of possession because I like to help build the...

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Spring Concert: Star Wars

South Windsor High School Band, Orchestra, and Choral Spectrum performed Star Wars at their spring concert held in the high school auditorium.

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The Bobcat Prowl student newspaper staff poses with members of the S.W. Youth and Family Services and the S.W. Alliance for Families after being awarded a grant.

Prowl Awarded Grant

The Bobcat Prowl is pleased to announce that we have been awarded the inaugural “Make A Change” mini grant.  Early on April 21, South Windsor Alliance for Families (SWAFF) and South Windsor Youth...

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With the rise of AI, there are concerns about technology ultimately being the ones in control. Pictured- robot created by the South Windsor High School robotics team with its controller.

A Meteoric Rise in Sci-Fi: AI

Anthony Sosa and Aasrith Veerapaneni
March 28, 2023

When do the lines of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and reality begin to blur beyond recognition? Or even further, when does AI overtake the very essence of what we consider to be humanity? The future...

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Uncovering the origins of celebrating Presidents Day.

[Photo] Presidents Day

Giovanni Righi, Staff Writer
February 23, 2023

Uncovering the origins of celebrating Presidents Day.

There has been no snowfall in the month of February.

[Photo] Disappearing Snow Days

Keerthana Vadivelan, Staff Writer
February 21, 2023

There has been no snowfall in the month of February.

The South Windsor High School Varsity Baseball field, standing at the ready for the upcoming season.

The Bobcats Start Their Stroll to the Batter’s Box

Aasrith Veerapaneni, Content Editor
February 9, 2023

As we round into February, and the second semester of schooling, many eyes start to look forward to spring sports. The heavy hitter of the spring season is our beloved baseball team. After a couple of...

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A performance during the most recent meeting.

A Celebration of Music and Talent

Aasrith Veerapaneni, Content Editor
January 13, 2023

A new salute to the musically talented students of South Windsor High School. This musical celebration is a place where students can come together and put on a performance for each other. Under direction...

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A Bobcat’s Mind in Verse

A Bobcat’s Mind in Verse

Aasrith Veerapaneni, Content Editor
November 28, 2022

A call to all the Bobcat Poets, a brand new contest has been introduced in the school.  Through Mind's Eye, South Windsor High School's own literary magazine. The student base now has the prime opportunity...

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NASCAR Final Four Racers

The Final Stretch

Aasrith Veerapaneni, Content Editor
November 4, 2022

The 2022 Nascar season rounds to a close this upcoming weekend, as the drivers embark on a final race at Phoenix Raceway. As they do, four of them remain in contention to take home the Cup Series Championship....

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Annotated text

Consent to Read

Aasrith Veerapaneni, Content Editor
October 13, 2022

If you went or go to a public school, you know about required reading.  Published on a syllabus, you're given a set amount of pages that you complete before you answer a couple questions on a worksheet. ...

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Getty Images

Wrecking or Racing, Safety at Super Speedway

Aasrith Veerapaneni, Content Editor
September 29, 2022

 From Talladega to Daytona, Super Speedway racing has been an integral part of NASCAR since its inception in the 1960's.  Yet today, safety concerns and rain plague fabled finishes and historic nights. As...

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