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The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

The Bobcat Prowl

The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

South Windsor High School

The Consistent Commotion of The SWHS Roof

Jack Huot, Copy Editor November 29, 2022

The roof above SWHS is constantly being renovated. Annoyed teachers frantically move to shut their windows due to the sounds of drilling and hammering at 7 in the morning. Sitting at their desks, students...

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Student Stress? Is it self-inflicted?

Student Stress? Is it self-inflicted?

What really causes student stress? Is it students, or is it something else?
Elizabeth Sinclair, Web Editor/ News Specialist November 29, 2022

Students at South Windsor High School are expected to have a stranded GPA of 2.0 or higher. While many students meet the school's criteria for grades, little is known about the amount of pressure that...

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A Bobcat’s Mind in Verse

A Bobcat’s Mind in Verse

Aasrith Veerapaneni, Content Editor November 28, 2022

A call to all the Bobcat Poets, a brand new contest has been introduced in the school.  Through Mind's Eye, South Windsor High School's own literary magazine. The student base now has the prime opportunity...

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Rendering of the future Pleasant Valley Elementary School from Journal Inquirer

South Windsor Schools Face Enrollment Increase

South Windsor Public Schools are facing the positive challenge of increased student enrollment in the district
Emma Cherubini, Content Editor November 28, 2022

Since 2010, South Windsor’s population has increased 4.7 percent. That is a gain of 5,727 people in a span of 10 years with 6,201 of the 26,918 residents being children. Many more people are moving to...

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Where Did the Spirit Go?

Where Did the Spirit Go?

Manaal Sheriff, Staff Writer November 17, 2022

A fun football game, a dance for all your friends, and a whole week to show off your school spirit. Homecoming week is finally here, but many students find it hard to enjoy because of the basic spirit...

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South Windsor High School cast of The Giver

SWHS Presents: The Giver

Max Schwartzman, Editor-in-Chief November 17, 2022

This Friday, November 18, at 7pm, the curtains will open to the much anticipated SWHS rendition of The Giver. While tickets have been going fast, there are still plenty available for you and all your friends.  The...

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Owen Verzella

Sports Spotlight: Owen Verzella

Elizabeth Sinclair, Web Editor/ News Specialist November 11, 2022

Owen Verzella is #15, a senior defensive player on the South Windsor boys soccer team. This year, the boys team has had an incredible  season with a 12-3-2.  They even made it past the second  round...

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A plate of lit diyas arranged in a floral pattern with marigolds being held by a woman adorned with gold bangles.

Diwali: The Celebration of Light

Anjani Anamthoji, Staff Writer November 11, 2022

If there’s any one thing that Indians love, it’s celebrating Diwali. A celebration of lights, food, and family fun, this festival is enjoyed by a variety of people. Diwali, also known as the Festival...

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Paintings found around South Windsor High School

Leaving a Mark, One Mural at a Time

Angelina Bellizzi, Editor November 9, 2022

At South Windsor High School, above each set of lockers in each hallway, History, English, first floor, second floor, reside motivational sentences and sayings. Yet there is something missing, until one...

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Aaron Judge

Where Will Aaron Judge Land?

Who will sign Judge for the next season?
Eli Schwartzman, Editor/Sports Specialist November 8, 2022

Aaron Judge is arguably the biggest star in all of baseball. Judge just wrapped up his record breaking season, hitting 62 home runs to put him atop the throne as the American League single season home...

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