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The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

The Bobcat Prowl

The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

Amritha Suresh

Amritha Suresh, Editor

Amritha Suresh is a kind and passionate Junior editor of the Bobcat Prowl. She’s been writing her whole life, and typically likes to write political and opinion stories. She has been a writer on the Prowl for 2 years and is enjoying being an editor! She enjoys researching and conducting interviews. They also have really been enjoying guiding the Prowls writers through the year.

All content by Amritha Suresh

[Photo] Hoco 2022

Shamyla Milner, Staff Writer
October 4, 2022

My top three favorite recipes. Warning! These Recipes are highly addictive!

My top three favorite recipes. Warning! These Recipes are highly addictive!

Amritha Suresh, Editor
June 9, 2022

During COVID, I decided to take up cooking, and it became a really great outlet for me, and gave me something to do during the boring quarantine. So here are 3 of my favorite recipes that I would totally...

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Everything you need to know about the first 6 zodiac signs from an expert

Everything you need to know about the first 6 zodiac signs from an expert

Amritha Suresh, Editor
June 1, 2022

If you have been wanting to get more into and learn more about the zodiac signs but don't know where to start? Look no further. Here is a compiled list of all the 6 first  zodiac signs and the basic facts...

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The dangers of texting and driving; 14 year old Enfield student killed

The dangers of texting and driving; 14 year old Enfield student killed

Amritha Suresh, Editor
April 18, 2022

Jesse Robert Pincince, 37, was in custody early Monday on $350,000 bail after his arrest on more than a half-dozen charges, including second-degree manslaughter, misconduct with a motor vehicle and negligent...

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“Life is a marathon, not a sprint”: An Introspective Piece on SWHS's Newest Social Worker

“Life is a marathon, not a sprint”: An Introspective Piece on SWHS’s Newest Social Worker

Amritha Suresh, Editor
January 31, 2022

Mr Addy, a friendly face in the hallowed halls of South Windsor High School.  His room, one Kobe Bryant poster on the back wall.    He loved Kobe Bryant and mourned his death as did so...

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The Most Valuable Lessons I learned in 2021

The Most Valuable Lessons I learned in 2021

Amritha Suresh, Editor
December 21, 2021

  No one loves you more than your mom does  Friends come into your life to bring fun and happiness, as well as teach you things. Love those around you and enjoy their presence, but be wary...

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Prowl Staff Thanksgiving Reflections

Prowl Staff Thanksgiving Reflections

Cael: Amid my final year at South Windsor High School, as I cut through the tumultuous world of applying to colleges, what I hold gratitude for has shifted entirely. This year seemingly out of the blue...

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Top Four shows to binge-watch this holiday season 

Top Four shows to binge-watch this holiday season 

Amritha Suresh, Editor
November 21, 2021

Lets be real right now, there are some shows that are casual watches. Good for when you are bored or need some background noise while going homework. But there are some, that are totally binge worthy....

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SWHS presents; Roald Dahl's 'Willy Wonka'- a ray of hope during COVID times

SWHS presents; Roald Dahl’s ‘Willy Wonka’- a ray of hope during COVID times

Amritha Suresh, Editor
October 20, 2021

On November 14th, a wild, rich, and eccentric man with a top hat will be paying a visit to South Windsor High School.  In celebration of the 5-th anniversary of the 1971 “Willy Wonka” movie, the...

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The case of Taman Shud, Australia's greatest mystery; Here's what you need to know

The case of Taman Shud, Australia’s greatest mystery; Here’s what you need to know

Amritha Suresh, Editor
June 11, 2021

The unknown man, referred to as ‘Taman Shud’ or ‘The Somerton Man’, was found lying on his back in the sand, his head and shoulders leaned up against a tall block seawall on Somerton Beach, in...

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A tribute to Rajeshwari Devi- a victim of India's failing COVID protocol

A tribute to Rajeshwari Devi- a victim of India’s failing COVID protocol

Amritha Suresh, Editor
May 28, 2021

Rajeshwari Devi, had developed what is often a sidekick to COVID-19, pneumonia. This made her very sick, causing her to need to gasp in order to breathe. She called 911, as she was in need of a hospital...

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Did Mahkia Bryant’s death need to happen?: An Opinion Piece

Did Mahkia Bryant’s death need to happen?: An Opinion Piece

Amritha Suresh, Editor
May 4, 2021

At 4.32 pm, the Columbus police received a call from Mahkia Bryant, a 16 year old black girl. “We got these grown girls over here trying to fight us. Trying to stab us. Trying to put their hands on our...

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George Floyd and OJ Simspon; Is There Comparison To Be Made In These Infamous Trials?

George Floyd and OJ Simspon; Is There Comparison To Be Made In These Infamous Trials?

Amritha Suresh, Editor
April 27, 2021

On Monday, April 19th, Derek Chauvin's trial began, he has been charged with second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter, for sitting with his knees on George...

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Two teen girls charged with carjacking and murder of Pakistani Uber Eats Driver

Two teen girls charged with carjacking and murder of Pakistani Uber Eats Driver

Amritha Suresh, Editor
April 5, 2021

Two teenage girls, aged 13 and 15 are charged with carjacking and the murder of Pakistani immigrant and father, Mohammad Anwar.    Mohammad worked as an Uber Eats driver, and the girls got...

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The US Department of Justice drops lawsuit against Stephanie Wolkhoff, for writing a tell-all book about her experience working as an advisor for Melania Trump 

The US Department of Justice drops lawsuit against Stephanie Wolkhoff, for writing a tell-all book about her experience working as an advisor for Melania Trump 

Amritha Suresh, Editor
February 23, 2021

The government's lawyers have dismissed the lawsuit against Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, who had worked as a volunteer advisor for Melania Trump. She planned to write a tell-all book about Melania, titled,...

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Aurora Police Department Involved In Police Brutality Drama

Aurora Police Department Involved In Police Brutality Drama

Amritha Suresh, Editor
February 3, 2021

On August 2nd 2020, Brittney Gilliam, along with her 17 year old sister, six year old daughter, and 12 and 14 year old nieces, were out for a “Sunday Funday”. Their plan for the day was to get their...

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Opinion: The difference in the way protestors and rioters are treated

Opinion: The difference in the way protestors and rioters are treated

Amritha Suresh, Editor
January 26, 2021

When the Black Lives Matter protesters began to protest, they were faced with a very harsh military response. Trump tweeting things to them like, "when the looting starts, the shooting starts" and calling...

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In Response to "The Internet Needs to Stop Making Teenagers Famous for Nothing"

In Response to “The Internet Needs to Stop Making Teenagers Famous for Nothing”

Amritha Suresh 
January 7, 2021

  I disagree with the Prowl’s view on, “The Internet Needs to Stop Making Teenagers Famous for Nothing,” and it's pessimistic view on the influencers in the media. Tik Tok Charli D’Amelio...

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21 charged in large scale drug ring

21 charged in large scale drug ring

Amritha Suresh, Editor
January 4, 2021

21 have been charged, including current and former university students, for participation in a “large-scale drug ring”. The drugs sold by the ring include  mass amounts of cocaine, marijuana, MDMA,...

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The phases in which the COVID vaccine will be distributed- and when life will return to normalcy

The phases in which the COVID vaccine will be distributed- and when life will return to normalcy

Amritha Suresh, Editor
December 15, 2020

A panel has broken the population down into 4 phases- to determine who gets the coronavirus vaccine when.  The first phase includes all frontline doctors, nurses, first responders, and nursing home...

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Prowl Staff Reflections about Thanksgiving

Prowl Staff Reflections about Thanksgiving

Cael Brennan: This year the thing I wish to show my thanks is the Internet. Do not be dismayed by its cold exterior and the internet’s aptitude for seemingly appearing as lifeless. Because what the internet...

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How are students handling extra curricular activities at SWHS during the pandemic?

How are students handling extra curricular activities at SWHS during the pandemic?

Amritha Suresh, Editor
November 20, 2020

Extracurricular activities allow students to pursue interests outside of school, try new things, and learn various different skills that they may not acquire through just going to school. But with the...

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How Social Distancing is affecting Students' Social Lives and development.

How Social Distancing is affecting Students’ Social Lives and development.

Amritha Suresh, Editor
November 6, 2020

School plays a very large role in the development of children and adolescents, and teaches them skills that they can transfer to their adult lives. But what happens when the social interactions of school...

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The Wolverine Watchmen- And Their Radical Kidnapping Plan

The Wolverine Watchmen- And Their Radical Kidnapping Plan

Amritha Suresh, Editor
November 2, 2020

13 men were charged for trying to kidnap Gretcthen Whitmer, the governor of Michigan, as well as trying to overthrow the government the week of October 9th.  A lot of people were upset with Whitmer...

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