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The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

The Bobcat Prowl

The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

The South Windsor Bobcats celebrate their victory over Enfield and prepare for battle tonight against the Maloney Spartans in the playoffs.

Second Time in 20 Years

The SWHS football team is back in the playoffs
Eli Schwartzman, Editor/Sports Specialist November 28, 2023

For just the second time in the last 20 years, the South Windsor High School football team is heading to the state playoffs. After moving to 8-2 with a win over Enfield, the Bobcats secured the 6th overall...

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Cheer tryouts have been underway since the beginning of November as the group is preparing for upcoming competitions.

Who Will Make The Team?

Tryouts for Cheer are underway.
Tiffany Castellon, Staff Writer November 26, 2023

Throughout the beginning of November, a handful of girls set out trying to make the competition team. As tryouts dropped, everyone's anticipation for the cheerleading competitions coming up in the future...

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For the past 50 years, the Open Choice program has offered Hartford students the opportunity to attend public schools in suburban towns and suburban students the opportunity to attend public schools in Hartford.

Making the Right Choice

The Choice Program creates equal opportunity for education.
Tatiana Walton, Aasrith Veerapaneni, and Max Schwartzman November 26, 2023

For half a century, the Open Choice program has been creating an opportunity, allowing Hartford and surrounding suburban students to break educational barriers. South Windsor Public Schools proudly participates...

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Bobcat Nation News Tuesday, November 21

Bobcat Nation News November 21, 2023

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Bella’s Thanksgiving Podcast

Izabella McKenna, Staff Writer November 21, 2023

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Swim and Dive’s Annual Swimathon at Star Hill Athletic Center in Tolland.

South Windsor Swim and Dive’s Annual Swimathon

Emily Porter, Staff Writer November 21, 2023

On Friday, November 16th, boys and girls Swim and Dive came together to hold their annual swimathon, which was a fundraising event for future swimmers. To donate money, the swimmers pledged an amount of...

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The Annex has been fully functioning for students and staff for the past three months, but as the weather begins to change, concerns about the commute between buildings come to the forefront.

Winter Wonders Await

Exploring the possibilities of the SWHS Annex amidst the anticipation of snowflakes.
Michael Wang, Guest Writer November 17, 2023

As winter encroaches upon South Windsor High School, a spellbinding, albeit slightly concerning, transformation envelops the SWHS Annex. Over the past three months, the SWHS Annex has proven to be a valuable...

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Boys soccer season ends with the team making it to the final in the CCC tournament.  Pictured team huddled during the Glastonbury game.

The Fireworks Go Out for the 2023 Soccer Season

A summary of girls and boys Bobcat soccer this season.
Erik Montes de Oca and Emma Cherubini November 16, 2023

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Proposed location of the new lighted turf field, currently baseball field, and SWHS tennis courts.

$7.5 Million SWHS Campus Improvement Proposal

Ethan Sands, Copy Editor/ Opinion Specialist November 14, 2023

On October 24, the South Windsor Board of Education voted unanimously to pursue the $7.5 million campus improvement plan introduced by the Superintendent of South Windsor Schools, Dr. Kate Carter. Included...

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