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The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

The Bobcat Prowl

The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

Sophomore volleyball starter, London Bascomb has had an incredible season helping her team make it to the second round of the state tournament.

Featured Athlete: London Bascomb

Aasrith Veerapaneni, Content Editor November 14, 2023

Prowl: How would you describe your playing style and what are your greatest strengths on the court? Bascomb: "I'd describe myself as a hard-working, dedicated athlete, and my biggest strength is my...

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The set up of the coffee house on Friday, where students presented their work.

The Inklings of SWHS’s Literary Magazine

Emily Porter, Staff Writer November 10, 2023

Creative expression has always been encouraged at SWHS, especially in the Mind’s Eye literary magazine. Mind’s Eye is a student-run magazine that publishes student artwork and creative writing every...

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Bobcat Nation News Thursday, November 9

Bobcat Nation News November 9, 2023

Check out Bobcat Nation News for Thursday, November 9th.

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Izabella McKenna, Staff Writer November 9, 2023

Check out Bella McKenna's latest podcast talking "Thanksgiving".

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Junior Hailey Deptula walking up the  turf field during a game with a field hockey stick in hand.

Featured Athlete- Hailey Deptula

Emma Cherubini, Content Editor November 9, 2023

Junior Hailey Deptula, is an accomplished student-athlete in field hockey and lacrosse.  Deptula has been playing field hockey since 7th grade, starting for the Timothy Edwards Middle School team with...

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Ava Schunder walking down from the Taylor Swift concert wearing her new merch.

Why is Taylor Swift Re-recording Her Albums?

As Taylor's re-release of 1989 came out Friday, some fans are wondering what the motivation is behind this executive career decision.
Maanya Pande, Finance Manager November 9, 2023

This past Friday, October 27th, Taylor Swift released 1989 (Taylor's Version), making this her fourth re-recorded album out of six. Swift's fame has skyrocketed since she first announced her plan to re-record...

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Voting for South Windsor took place at South Windsor High School on November 7th.

South Windsor Experiences Red Wave

Max Schwartzman and Eliza Blanchfield November 9, 2023

In a surprising upset, historically Democrat-controlled South Windsor experienced a big Republican victory in Tuesday’s election resulting in a change in the town’s government.  On November 7th,...

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Girls Volleyball’s Strong Start in States Round 1

Pooravi Srivastava and Eliza Blanchfield November 7, 2023

The South Windsor High School gymnasium stands were packed on Friday, November 6th for the girls’ volleyball first round of states between South Windsor and Manchester High School. The girls’ confidence...

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The South Windsor High School girls volleyball program hosted a community service event on October 19th with the organization Dignity Grows.

Dignity Grows with SWHS Volleyball

Eliza Blanchfield, Editor-in-Chief November 6, 2023

The South Windsor High School girls volleyball program hosted a community service event in their gymnasium on October 19th. The Lady Bobcats welcomed Dignity Grow’s representatives and immediately launched...

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Bobcat Nation News Monday, November 6th

Bobcat Nation News November 6, 2023

Check out Bobcat Nation News for Monday, November 6th.

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