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The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

The Bobcat Prowl

The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

South Windsor High School gymnastics team practice at Tri Town gym in Enfield. Above Ava Natal, Diya Patel, Madison Peruccio, Sydney Main and Grace from East Windsor pose for a photo.

Tumbling Into Tomorrow

An introduction to the ‘23-24 gymnastics season
Tiffany Castellon, Staff Writer December 7, 2023

The gymnastics team for South Windsor High School may only have three people on the team, but though they are small, they are mighty. Though smaller than in years prior, this will not stop the team from...

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Bobcat Nation News Tuesday, December 5th

Bobcat Nation News December 5, 2023

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The Science Olympiad Team at Cornell University on November 18th.

SWHS’s Renowned Science Olympiad

Emily Porter, Staff Writer December 4, 2023

The Science Olympiad is a club at SWHS where students interested in STEM fields come together to prepare for large science competitions. Throughout the year, there are three invitationals and one state...

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Peter Korchari (current SRO) and Jeremy Weiss (incoming SRO)  in room 101.

A Changing of the Guard

Ethan Sands, Copy Editor/ Opinion Specialist December 1, 2023

SWHS’s current School Resource Officer (SRO), Officer Peter Korchari is leaving SWHS on December 6 to work as a digital investigator. Officer Jeremy Weiss will take up the SRO position. Korchari has...

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Bobcat Nation News Tuesday, November 28th

Bobcat Nation News November 30, 2023

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The Writing Center tutors have been trained at UConn in order to model the experience of a post-secondary writing center.

Helping Students Become Stronger Writers

Maria Verly, Wire Services Manager November 30, 2023

Led by student tutors, and under the supervision of English teachers, The Writing Center Club's goal is to help students improve their writing skills in a comfortable and supportive environment. The club...

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Mr. Pantages, Mr. Grosso, and Mr. Eppler are participants in this year's No Shave November fundraiser.

No Shave November

Andrew Kronenwetter, Staff Writer November 30, 2023

During the month of November at SWHS, over 50 faculty members participated in a contest to see who could grow the most facial hair.  “We are all winners because we get a month off of shaving,”...

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Award winning gingerbread house created by South Windsor resident sits at the entrance of the display.

A Shiny & Bright Start to the Holiday Season

Eliza Blanchfield, Editor-in-Chief November 30, 2023

On Friday, November 24th the Wood Memorial Library and Museum opened its doors to the public to host the 13th Annual Gingerbread Festival, a beloved town tradition that runs through the month of December. The...

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The car rider line where students are dropped off by a parent in the morning before school.

The Drop-off Line

Elizabeth Sinclair, Web Editor/ News Specialist November 29, 2023

South Windsor High School offers a variety of transportation options and ways for students to get to school. Some are very efficient, like the South Windsor Public Schools bus transportation, which does...

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