9th Grade Science Fair

9th Grade Science Fair

Ava Nicole Shasha, Editor

On June 2nd, the freshman class at South Windsor High School hosted the 9th Grade Science Fair. The past few years the 9th grade class missed out on the science fair due to the pandemic. This opportunity asked students to apply the scientific method to conduct independent research. 


The science fair was a group effort. Students came together to work on scientific solutions that our world currently faces right now. Popular topics at the fair were problems such as Plastic Pollution, Sea Level Rise, and Coral Reef Relief. More “rare” topics that were up for exhibition were Invasive Plants, Nuclear Power, and How Sneakers were made. 

 Mr.Fazzino teaches a variety of science courses. When asked about “What should the students take away from this project, and the work they put in”, Mr.Fazzino responded with: “If there is an issue in the world, they have the means to solve them, even on small means.” 


Mr. Lee, staff member of the world language, crew offered another perspective. When asked the question, “What stood out to you the most?” Mr.Lee, a French teacher in SWHS , replied with: “It’s all good for me, because I learn about all these issues that’ll tie into my lessons in french. I am proud of them.”


While science might be in the name, the fair was much more widespread throughout all the academic courses. 

One question that was on my mind while walking around the fair was , “How did you pick your topic?”.  9th grader, Ava Lewis said “We came up with our topic because we wanted to have a solution to deforestation, because of the negative impact it has on the environment.”  Students were asked to choose a current world issue that they felt passionate about, and help find a solution for the issue. 


The freshman spent weeks working on their project leading up to the fair. 9th grader, Sari Shasha discussed the challenges: “The most challenging part of this project was probably cleaning up plum gully brook because there was so much trash and plastic that needed to be cleaned up. It was sad to see how much litter there was.”


 Not only were staff members, and students were in attendance, some big names in South Windsor such as Connecticut State Representative, Tom Delnicki, and South Windsor Mayor Liz Pendleton were in attendance at the science fair. 


The last freshman science fair that was held at SWHS was all the way back in 2019. 2 years later, the class of 2025 would once again present the science fair, and did an amazing job.