Graduation and Moving On

Graduation and Moving On

Jenieke Calloway, Writer

Senior year is coming to an end for thousands of students across the country, a time for reminiscing, changing and adapting, and leaving behind a legacy to start a new future. In South Windsor, the students are either going to college, starting jobs, staying in the state or joining the military.


This entire long year, seniors had to keep up with grades, attend club meetings, play well in sports games, go to class events, juggle jobs, and even their family lives through an entire pandemic and quarantine. “I’m excited for graduation and to move on to the next chapter of my life,” says Senior Muneeka Munir, “but I can’t help but wish that we had a more normal senior year.” And that rings true along the entire class of 2021, as seniors lost a lot of opportunities, but still pushed through despite the changes.


Still, coming face to face with the fact that everyone is moving on with their lives and becoming new people is hard and shocking to realize. When asked about leaving South Windsor High School, senior Akshitha Yulekati said, “I  am nervous but also excited because I know that I’ll be able to experience so many new opportunities and build new relations in the future. It’s a bittersweet feeling, but I’m ready to move onto the next chapter of my life in college.” 


As for most of the class, people are leaving their close friendships and moving on to find new ones! Some are starting new life routines that are completely new to them. Senior Andrew Kotait says,  “I think with everyone there will be some degree of sadness for everyone. When I graduate, I will miss my friends and the comfort of everything.”


Seniors graduate in a short number of days on June 16th, and we congratulate them for their hard work and dedication to finish this through the hardest years of their lives. There is nothing more strong than finishing high school together and happy! Congratulations South Windsor High School’s class of 2021