Oklahoma Teacher Strike


Katie Cole

Oklahoma teachers walk out of classrooms and seize the floor of the Oklahoma state capitol building to demand better education funding. For the second day in a row, schools across the state are closed as teachers descend on the capitol, eager for raises and funding for school supplies. 270 public schools across the state had to cut down to 4 day weeks because there is not enough funding to pay to keep schools open for the whole week.

The situation in Oklahoma is one of the worst in the country, teachers making only around $31,000-45,000 per year. South Windsor teachers, in comparison, have almost double the salary of those in Oklahoma, on average making over $66,000 per year. As of 2013, South Windsor superintendent Kate Carter was paid $182,000 per year, $109,000 more than the average Oklahoma Superintendent who makes on average $75,674.

Teachers have been forced to come up with a host of solutions to solve the problems. Many teachers in Oklahoma have gotten second or even third jobs to make ends meet and pay for school supplies for their classes. Oklahoma teacher Teresa Danks has literally stood on the side of the road with a poster asking the public for donations so she can purchase school supplies.

Oklahoma is following the lead of the teachers of West Virginia who were on strike for 9 days, garnering a 5% raise across the board. The educators of Oklahoma are asking for $10,000 in raises for every teacher and $200 million in funding over the next 3 years and hoping for equal success.