On Tuesday, April 30, the people of South Windsor joined together at the Community Center in celebration of the town’s volunteers. Those who have given their time to the Human Services Department in the past were treated to a delicious breakfast.
The event consisted of those who have served as meals on wheels drivers, bingo callers, telephone reassurance volunteers, kitchen helpers, volunteer readers, community service group members, newsletter collators, and food bank volunteers. Within the many programs of the Human Services Department, there are around 200 volunteers in total.
The head of this wholesome gathering is the Director of Human Services, Andrea Conransecso. Without her efforts, South Windsor’s volunteers would unfortunately go unnoticed.
One of the individuals who attended the breakfast was South Windsor resident, Carol Manzella, a regular South Windsor volunteer. She joined the South Windsor community after moving from New Jersey in 2014, and has loved volunteering in town ever since.
“I decided to volunteer because I was retired, had just moved to a new state, and knew it would be a good way to get to know the community,” Manzella stated.
Manzella’s first opportunity as a volunteer was reading to the K-5 elementary students. This is a well known tradition among the South Windsor Public Schools District where senior citizens are able to connect and interact with the youth of the community.

“It’s a good way to see the different schools, meet the teachers and staff and form friendships with other volunteers.”
In addition to Manzella, there are plenty of South Windsor residents who dedicate their time and effort to helping town citizens. South Windsor is grateful for all of the caring individuals who strive to better our town and community as a whole.
Each volunteer was given a gift basket of olive oil and vinegar and donuts as a sign of appreciation.
Other attendees at the event included South Windsor’s Mayor, Audrey Delnicki, and Town Manager, Michael Maniscalco.
The Senior Connection Newsletter identifies ways that seniors in town are able to get involved and volunteer their time.