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The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

The Bobcat Prowl

The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

Manaal Sheriff, Staff Writer

Manaal Sheriff is a senior at South Windsor High School. She’s a very kind-hearted indvidual who cares most for family and friends. Manaal is looking forward to learning about politics and news and is even more excited to share her research with others.

All content by Manaal Sheriff
Mental health days give time to relax and clear your head so you can come back feeling ready.

Mental Health Days

Manaal Sheriff, Staff Writer
April 20, 2023

South Windsor High School offers students a day off to catch up on their mental health. Although they only provide two days throughout the school year, it is considerate to the students who benefit from...

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South Windsor High School students practice karate in the gym.

Hi-YAH or Hi-NAH

Shamyla Milner and Manaal Sheriff
March 27, 2023

Should South Windsor High School create a karate club? Shamyla Milner and Maanal Sheriff will lay out the pros and cons to this debate.

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Manaal Sheriff


Manaal Sheriff, Staff Writer
March 27, 2023

South Windsor High school has numerous club and sports opportunities for students. There are clubs for art, cooking, debate, and multiple cultural clubs teaching different languages. SWHS also offers clubs...

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Seniors are exhausted, overwhelmed and ready to graduate. Here is how South Windsor High School students are dealing with senioritis.

[Photo] Senioritis

Manaal Sheriff and Shamyla Milner, Staff Writers
March 2, 2023

Seniors are exhausted, overwhelmed and ready to graduate. Here is how South Windsor High School students are dealing with senioritis.

Kim Kardashian learned to use her massive following to make multiple successful companies.

Is Kim Kardashian Taken Seriously as a Business Women?

Manaal Sheriff, Staff Writer
February 3, 2023

Behind the paparazzi, fans, and glamor at the heart of Kim Kardashian is a successful entrepreneur.  Kim Kardashian started her career with a reality TV show about her family, so most continue to see...

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Where Did the Spirit Go?

Where Did the Spirit Go?

Manaal Sheriff, Staff Writer
November 17, 2022

A fun football game, a dance for all your friends, and a whole week to show off your school spirit. Homecoming week is finally here, but many students find it hard to enjoy because of the basic spirit...

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