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The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

The Bobcat Prowl

The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

Judith Mohan

Judith Mohan, Staff Writer

Judith Olivia Mohan is a freshman student writer from South Windsor High School. She is excited to be a part of the journalism crew this year. She is fluent in English, Tamil, Kannada and Hindi, speaks broken Telegu and is currently learning French through school. She is a guitarist with 2 ½ years of experience and a talented artist since a young age. When she is older, she aspires to work as a medical professional.

All content by Judith Mohan
The South Windsor Garden Tour and Plant Sale advertised by the Wood Memorial Library & Museum.

Pathways and Blooms

Judith Mohan, Staff Writer
May 8, 2024

The “Pathways and Blooms – A South Windsor Garden Tour & Plant Sale”  is set to hold 8 unique gardens scattered throughout the State of Connecticut and including various spots in South Windsor....

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Students in Interact made homemade cards for SWHS teachers for Teacher Appreciation Week.

Teacher Appreciation Week

Judith Mohan, Staff Writer
May 6, 2024

Teachers of South Windsor High School are being given goodies throughout Teacher Appreciation Week from May 6-10th as a form of appreciation for their hard work every day. They were also given handmade...

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SWHS history teacher, Ms. Whitmore.

SWHS history teacher, Ms. Whitmore.

SWHS art teacher, Mrs. Ziff.

SWHS art teacher, Mrs. Ziff.

SWHS math teacher, Mrs. Lynch.

SWHS math teacher, Mrs. Lynch.

SWHS English and journalism teacher, Mrs. Quinn.

SWHS English and journalism teacher, Mrs. Quinn.

SWHS English teacher, Mr. Gilroy

SWHS English teacher, Mr. Gilroy

SWHS French teacher, Mr. Ly.

SWHS French teacher, Mr. Ly.

SWHS media specialist, Mrs. McCool.

SWHS media specialist, Mrs. McCool.

SWHS science teacher, Mr. Kraus.

SWHS science teacher, Mr. Kraus.

SWHS art teacher, Mrs. Argenta.

SWHS art teacher, Mrs. Argenta.

SWHS guitar teacher, Mr. Crowley.

SWHS guitar teacher, Mr. Crowley.

SW Robotics Wraps Up Another Successful Season

Judith Mohan, Staff Writer
April 26, 2024

Climbing up to the semi-finals, the South Windsor High School Robotics Club expressed their pride towards their efforts and outcome, despite the loss.  Participating in the World’s Championships...

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A view of the eclipse from the town of South Windsor.

Darkness During the Day

Judith Mohan, Staff Writer
April 15, 2024

A view of the eclipse from the town of South Windsor.

Pre-event pic of Yogita Mohan showcasing her dance.

Collage of Cultures

Judith Mohan, Staff Writer
April 4, 2024

Representing diversity and unique cultures in South Windsor High School, the Multicultural Fair was held on Monday, April 1st. The event aimed to showcase the diverse cultures and clubs represented by...

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IHAC celebrating Holi by decorating a Holi-themed Showcase in SWHS.

Colors of Diversity

Judith Mohan, Staff Writer
March 25, 2024

The festival of color–Holi is a traditional Hindu festival, celebrated on Monday, March 25th this year. It is celebrated in India, a country of prominent Hinduism, for two whole days in order to cherish...

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Comic strips made by students in South Windsor High School's cartooning class.

Featured Class: Cartooning

Judith Mohan, Staff Writer
March 18, 2024

Comic strips made by students in South Windsor High School's cartooning class.

Receiving delightful messages and wishes for the Festival of Ramadan.

Celebrating Cultural Diversity

Judith Mohan, Staff Writer
March 12, 2024

Ramadan is a religious fest among the Islamic community, meant to aim for one’s spiritual growth and build stronger relationships within their religious groups. Ramadan is supported each year by South...

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The South Windsor High School lunch that currently costs $4.

A Discussion of School Lunch Cost

Ryan Rahman, Judith Mohan, and Hussein Kafel
March 1, 2024

High oil in school pizza highlights unhealthiness of school lunches

A Valentine's Day themed bulletin board on display showcasing reading material.

Replacing Your Valentine With a Book

Judith Mohan, Staff Writer
February 12, 2024

Valentine’s Day welcomes back pre-Covid traditions of the South Windsor High School Library through the ‘Fall in love with books’ themed ‘Library Open House’ held by the South Windsor High School...

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