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The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

The Bobcat Prowl

The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

Mental health days give time to relax and clear your head so you can come back feeling ready.

Mental Health Days

Manaal Sheriff, Staff Writer April 20, 2023

South Windsor High School offers students a day off to catch up on their mental health. Although they only provide two days throughout the school year, it is considerate to the students who benefit from...

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Should students still learn how to write in cursive in a modern world led by technology?

Why Should You Write in Cursive?

Why is writing in cursive important in the modern world?
Rishi Bala Meenakshi Sundaram, Staff Writer April 5, 2023

Have you ever noticed a difference between a time when you are forced to write with haste compared to a time when you are leisurely able to take how much ever time needed to write something specific? Well,...

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A view of Nevers Park located right across the street from SWHS.

Things to Do, Places to Be

Various student hotspots in South Windsor.
Tyler Romero, Staff Writer March 30, 2023

After a long day of learning and working on assignments, students are eager to find a place to relax with their friends or a quick bite to eat. Luckily, SWHS is located near multiple beautiful parks, along...

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Eliza Blanchfield


Eliza Blanchfield, Editor-in-Chief March 30, 2023

In 2020, The Promenade Shops at Evergreen walk rapidly lost the majority of their stores, leaving this shopping outlet almost empty. This year, the town of South Windsor is initiating renovations in an...

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Sydney Main


Sydney Main, Staff Writer March 30, 2023

Evergreen Walk is now starting to add stores to their shopping outlet. This would be extremely beneficial. There have been a loss of customers at Evergreen Walk since Covid-19. Adding more stores would...

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Poster revealing a Nike store will be arriving in South Windsor soon.

Evergreen Walk 2.0

Eliza Blanchfield and Sydney Main March 30, 2023

South Windsor’s controversial expansion of Evergreen Walk is set into motion. Opposing views offered by Sydney Main and Eliza Blanchfield will lay out the risks and rewards of Evergreen Walk’s new...

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South Windsor High School students practice karate in the gym.

Hi-YAH or Hi-NAH

Shamyla Milner and Manaal Sheriff March 27, 2023

Should South Windsor High School create a karate club? Shamyla Milner and Maanal Sheriff will lay out the pros and cons to this debate.

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Manaal Sheriff


Manaal Sheriff, Staff Writer March 27, 2023

South Windsor High school has numerous club and sports opportunities for students. There are clubs for art, cooking, debate, and multiple cultural clubs teaching different languages. SWHS also offers clubs...

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Shamyla Milner


The debate on whether or not SWHS should start a karate club.
Shamyla Milner, Staff Writer March 27, 2023

All of the clubs and activities South Windsor High School offers are inspiring. There are a wide variety of sports, and many students continue with these after high school. However, there is one activity...

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Next year, the district will be moving to a shortened February break in the calendar.

The Long Haul to April

SWHS students and teachers share their opinions about next year’s shortened February break.
Elizabeth Sinclair, Web Editor/ News Specialist March 20, 2023

April break is one of the many breaks during the school year that students and teachers look forward to. However, they must get through the month of March, which is also known as the longest month of the...

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