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The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

The Bobcat Prowl

The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

Manaal Sheriff


Manaal Sheriff, Staff Writer March 27, 2023

South Windsor High school has numerous club and sports opportunities for students. There are clubs for art, cooking, debate, and multiple cultural clubs teaching different languages. SWHS also offers clubs...

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Greek Independence Day is celebrated on March 25th recognizing the Greek Revolution of 1821.

Greek Independence Day

Anthony Sosa, Staff Writer March 27, 2023

Greek Independence Day falls on March 25th. This holiday has been celebrated by those of Greek descent since the Greek Revolution of 1821. This day honors the Greek people’s fight for freedom after being...

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Juniors Morgan Reed and Finn Jennings  pose for a photo holding slime at the first annual Stress Fest  organized by S.A.D.D.

De-Stress With The Student Body

Emma Cherubini, Content Editor March 24, 2023

On Thursday, March 16th, students gathered together in the cafeteria for an event put together by the SADD club, and other school clubs, to help the students relieve their stress and hang with their friends.  From...

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Senior Oliva Petgrave and junior Reagan Heafey-De Angelis with Coach Flachsbart  on the track.

Featured Coach: Coach Flachsbart

Nathan Tenney, Special Liaison to Athletics March 24, 2023

Prowl: How long have you been coaching? Coach Flachsbart: “This is my 7th year.” Prowl: How did you get involved in coaching track and field? Coach Flachsbart: “I heard that the team was...

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Sophomores Willa Hamelin and Paige Lambert wait to donate blood for the first time at the Hope Club's annual blood drive sponsored by the American Red Cross.

Giving The Gift of Saving a Life

Reagan Heafey-DeAngelis, Staff Writer March 22, 2023

The HOPE club at South Windsor High School sponsored a blood drive with the American Red Cross Association in the media center on Tuesday, March 21st. Many came out to donate blood and support.  Tables...

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Timothy Edwards Middle School puts on its annual performance with the show Matilda Junior.

Matilda Junior Show

Timothy Edwards Middle School Produces 'Matilda' the musical.
Eshal Irfan and Greta Lewis March 22, 2023

March 2nd, marked the first day of four performances for the annual musical at Timothy Edwards Middle School. This year, the students are performing the classic story of Matilda, a nine-year-old who uses...

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Next year, the district will be moving to a shortened February break in the calendar.

The Long Haul to April

SWHS students and teachers share their opinions about next year’s shortened February break.
Elizabeth Sinclair, Web Editor/ News Specialist March 20, 2023

April break is one of the many breaks during the school year that students and teachers look forward to. However, they must get through the month of March, which is also known as the longest month of the...

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Eve and Sky are two therapy dogs that come into South Windsor High School for students to pet and enjoy when feeling stressed.

Therapy Dogs Helping to Heal Students

Samantha Pagliaruli, Staff Writer March 17, 2023

At South Windsor High School, we believe that students should feel happy and secure while getting their education, and everyone likes dogs, right? Even if you’re a cat person. Eve and Sky are two...

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South Windsor High School and Wapping (SWHS Annex) campus where students will be walking back and forth starting next year.

Breaking Down Rumors for the Future of SWHS

Greta Lewis, Staff Writer March 17, 2023

South Windsor High School is anticipating some big changes in the near future for the upcoming 2023-2024 academic year.  Students may be taking some of their classes in the Wapping (SWHS Annex), due to...

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Prowl's featured athlete: shot put and discus thrower for varsity track, senior Sam Maleshenko.

Featured Athlete: Sam Meleshenko

Nathan Tenney, Special Liaison to Athletics March 17, 2023

Prowl: What inspired you to become a track athlete?  Meleshenko: “I have run track since I was in 5th grade; it has been a part of my life, and I have fallen in love with the sport since.” Prowl:...

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