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The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

The Bobcat Prowl

The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

Samarth and Tejbir created biodegradable packaging using mushrooms to prevent pollution from packaging materials.

Science Fair

Sydney Main, Staff Writer May 31, 2023

Thursday, May 25, 2023, marked the annual freshman science fair. It was held from 7:25-10:05 in the high school cafeteria and lobby. All freshmen were required to attend. The science fair gives students...

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Red Robin restaurant, located in the Buckland Hills Mall Plaza in Manchester.

Red Robin

Employees share what it like to be part of the Red Robin family.
Shamyla Milner, Staff Writer May 26, 2023

Red Robin was founded in 1969 in Seattle, Washington with its headquarters located in Greenwood Village, Colorado. In the 1940s, Red Robin was created in the college party town of Seattle. The restaurant...

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Track and Field

Eliza Blanchfield, Greta Lewis, and Sydney Main, Staff Writers May 26, 2023

South Windsor High School had a successful senior day against East Catholic. Closing out the season with a win, the team shares an inside look at the players and events they participate in on SWHS track...

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Freshman Science Fair

Prowl Staff May 25, 2023

On Thursday, May 25th, SWHS freshman students presented their science fair projects for judges to review.

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With summer just around the corner, SWHS are trying to stay focused on summer while excitement builds.

Summertime Excitement

Zach Morison, Staff Writer May 25, 2023

There's tons of excitement rolling through South Windsor High School for our upcoming summer vacation. Although there is just about a month of school left, students are staying focused on their work...

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The Writers Guild of America (WGA) is still embroiled in an ongoing labor dispute against the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers as a result of failed contract negotiations.

The WGA Writers’ Strike

Jayden Ross, Staff Writer May 25, 2023

Beginning on May 2, 2023, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) is partaking in an ongoing labor dispute against the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers as a result of failed contract negotiations....

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10th Grade Success Documentary

Eshal Irfan, Staff Writer May 24, 2023

Students in 10th grade American Literature Honors were asked to create a documentary after reading Jeannette Walls' Glass Castle to understand how life experiences impact an individual's success. In this...

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Spring Concert: Star Wars

South Windsor High School Band, Orchestra, and Choral Spectrum performed Star Wars at their spring concert held in the high school auditorium.

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Madame President Has Arrived

Jack Huot and Max Schwartzman May 23, 2023

On the 19th of May 2023, Angelina Francesca Bellizzi was voted into office for President of the Class of 2024. Bellizzi, 16, went against Rayan Zaki and Olivia Kvadus. The race was close with Zaki, the...

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South Windsor High School Lacrosse

Nathan Tenney, Fadel Kafel, and Reagan Heafey-De Angelis May 19, 2023

Student athletes from both the boys and girls lacrosse teams weigh in on their experience with the team. Athletes talk about their favorite memories with SW Lacrosse as well as their future goals in the...

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