From South Windsor to Salve

My experience touring Salve Regina University in Newport, Rhode Island.

Olivia Liegl

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Olivia Liegl

South Windsor senior, Olivia Liegl, tours Salve Regina in Newport, Rhode Island for a review of the campus.

Located on the waters of Newport Rhode Island, Salve Regina University is stunning, to say the least. Though I toured during the winter months, the campus’s beauty reigns true in any of the four seasons. The campus has a historical feeling to it, with older buildings that have a sort of rustic beauty. It is also surrounded by countless historical mansions such as the Breakers. 

For those who prefer a campus that deviates from the overly techy and modern feel, they will enjoy the looks of Salve Regina. While the school is on the smaller side this is attributed to its smaller student population, appealing to those looking for a more intimate and tight-knit community. 

Class sizes average around 19 students, and the student-to-staff ratio is 13:1. I personally dislike the idea of simply being a number at my school. The idea of my professor never knowing my name because of how large the class sizes are is a turn-off for me. So for those looking to cultivate close relationships with their teachers and peers, this school is for you. 

However, what impresses me most about this college is that its curriculum and dedication to its students is just as exquisite as its beauty. Applying to partake in their Comms and Media program, I can speak confidently on all of the opportunities they offer for those interested in their English-oriented majors. From Comms, to Literature, and creative writing, the school makes it easy to double major and minor in countless facets of the English curriculum.

There are religious gen-eds all students are required to take, which to some, may be a turn-off to the school. However, though the school is Catholic, students can take classes in various religions from Judaism to Buddhism. Evidently, the school invests a lot of time into the quality of their education, something I prioritize above anything else. 

Salve is also home to countless extracurriculars. There truly is a club or activity for anyone there. The school is Division three, offering sports such as volleyball, football, and rugby just to name a few.

There is a multicultural club as well as a surf club, extracurriculars I personally am eager to partake in. They are also open to students creating their own clubs, encouraging students to cultivate their own spaces if one doesn’t already exist. 

In terms of student living such as dorms, meal plans, and transportation, Salve exceeded my expectations. There are various dorm styles in their Miley, Walgreen, Reefe, and Hunt first-year residence halls. I toured Miley hall and found the dorms to be rather spacious, with some dorms even including their own bathrooms. 

Their meal plan involves purchases with “Sea Hawk Bucks” though meals can be bought with cash or card as well. There are two Starbucks on campus and a Flatbread restaurant, in addition to the regular dining hall. I had the chance to enjoy a meal during my tour at Salve and their food options were both delicious and inclusive, with vegetarian and allergy-sensitive options. 

Student transportation for first-year students is also a breeze. Each of the buildings on campus are within walking distance and there are trolleys students can take, should they need to leave and explore Newport.

Overall, Salve Regina welcomed me with open arms, and is a school I truly believe goes above and beyond to make every student feel special. Salve is dedicated to preparing students for life after college and careers in their prospective fields. Though I am not currently committed, Salve is certainly at the top of my list of post-secondary schools.