Hollywood Influences View of Women


Highsmith (2012)

Beauty always rules the world no matter how much you try to fight it. Beauty has been, and always will be, on the top of the world with money, power, and glory. The only thing that changes is what is considered beautiful in the decade. It is constantly changing just like the clothes that you see in the different seasons of runway shows.

In the history of the world one way to be always considered beautiful is by hyper, or ultra, feminine.

Based on that, one would think that Hollywood, above all other media sources, would take advantage of that. Well, they do, but not in a way that makes a character complex and unique. 

According to the video, How Hollywood Demonizes Ultra-Femininity, by Youtuber Shanspeare, the narrator described the four ways that characters are portrayed in film.

The first would be the “Man Eater”, a femme fatale who doesn’t care about anyone but herself and is willing to bring anyone down if it


means that she will be the best at anything. An example of this is Jennifer Check, in Jennifer’s Body (2009).


The second archetype would be the mean girl reminiscent of Regina George in Mean Girls (2004).

The third is the airhead reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe in Gentlemen Prefer Blonds (1953).




Finally, there is the background noise to the much more relatable, much more coveted, tomboy figure as seen in Twilight (2008) with the character Jessica Stanley.

And, this makes one wonder when ultra or hyper femininity became this lacking of subsistence or insignificant trait for characters causing them to become so one dimensional.

I have an answer for this. Our world has always been divided into two boxes, one that is the blue: action figures, sports, and cars for boy’s and girls having pink, princesses, glitter, and dolls to play with. In our world, men and boys have been held on this pedestal because he is the main provider who goes out to work, and women and girls stay home taking care of the house and children.

Even after years of fighting for their rights, women are still being treated the same as if they are not important or can’t do things because of their gender stereotype, and this is exacerbated depending on how you dress or choose to live your life. And, sadly, no matter how many years have gone by, Hollywood will always see women in this light.