As we round into the midpoint of the season, the South Windsor High School field hockey team has had an exciting run thus far with a current winning record of 5-4.
“Our field hockey season is off to a great start! The team has been super fun so far, and I’m really excited for the rest of the season,” junior Izabel Dzubin said.
The team attributes their success to driving the ball and making sure the passes are wide. They also see being too clumped in the circle as an area of growth they will be focusing on for the remainder of the season.
As the season progresses, the team prepares for its toughest opponents.
“The toughest teams we will compete with will probably be Granby, Hall, and Glastonbury,” senior captain Hailey Deptula explained.
These were all teams that the Bobcats had lost to last season and are looking to conquer for this current season.
“I’m not nervous about playing this year. My goal has always been to work hard and have fun, and I’ve been doing just that this season,” Deptula said.
For Deptula, who is in her final season, field hockey holds a special place. “I am excited to be playing field hockey this season! It’s my last year, and the team is awesome—it has been a lot of fun.”
Field hockey has always been more than just a sport for Deptula.
“Field hockey has always been my fun sport where I let loose and enjoy staying in shape with my team. These past three years, I’ve always put my full effort into practices and games, achieving my goal,” Deptula added.
She’s especially appreciative of the team’s chemistry. “I love my new team. This team has been awesome to be around, and a lot of fun! Our personalities mesh well together, and that chemistry is showing on the field.”
Field hockey holds a special meaning for the seniors who are on the team.
“I really like being the captain of the team. I have been looking forward to being a captain since freshman year,” senior captain Paige Lambert commented. “My goal is to make sure everyone feels welcome.
The focus is also on mentoring and developing new players that will eventually be coming up to varsity.
“We are low on players this year, so it’s important that everyone stays. In years prior, we’ve struggled a lot mentally as a team and starting the season as a big friend group is the perfect way to counteract that. So far, this has worked really well with us as we have found ourselves having more fun and performing better, even when we lose games,” Lambert said.
These young players are finding the experience positive thus far.
“The upperclassmen are very welcoming and helpful. Everyone on the team is so nice, and the season is going very well,” freshman Anika Mandela explained.
These sentiments were shared by fellow freshman field hockey player Yuna Kasunic. “The field hockey season has been really fun, and everyone on the team has been nothing but helpful and kind towards me and other new players”
As for her hopes for the team’s performance in the future, Deptula is optimistic. “As a team, I think we will put up a good showing this year and get to states! We go into every game excited and wanting to win. For me, it’s always more fun when I work hard and get competitive!”

The team has a running joke referencing the Karate Kid that keeps them motivated.
“Strike first, strike hard, no mercy. This quote is running through as a joke on our team this year. It gets us hyped and excited for the game and helps to loosen up pre-game jitters,” Deptula said.
Another phrase that motivates the team comes from their Coach Tupper.
“Get low,” Deptula said, recalling the frequent reminder from her coach. “It means to get our sticks on the ground.”
This reminds the players to get their sticks on the ground but their heads held high.