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The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

The Bobcat Prowl

The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

10th Grade Success Documentary

Eshal Irfan, Staff Writer May 24, 2023

Students in 10th grade American Literature Honors were asked to create a documentary after reading Jeannette Walls' Glass Castle to understand how life experiences impact an individual's success. In this...

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Spring Concert: Star Wars

South Windsor High School Band, Orchestra, and Choral Spectrum performed Star Wars at their spring concert held in the high school auditorium.

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South Windsor High School Lacrosse

Nathan Tenney, Fadel Kafel, and Reagan Heafey-De Angelis May 19, 2023

Student athletes from both the boys and girls lacrosse teams weigh in on their experience with the team. Athletes talk about their favorite memories with SW Lacrosse as well as their future goals in the...

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The Addams Family Production

Maanya Pande, Finance Manager May 10, 2023

The cast and crew of the Addams Family production by South Windsor High School talks about how they craft their show.

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Anything and Everything

Izabella McKenna, Staff Writer May 5, 2023

On today's episode of Anything and Everything, Bella is joined by my teammates Val and Lauren to talk about Track and Field as well as what it's like to run in a man's world.

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Cafeteria Podcast

Fadel Kafel, Tyler Romero, and Nathan Tenney May 5, 2023

This week on The Lunch Line, sophomores Fadel Kafel, Tyler Romero, and Nathan Tenney discuss the food options available at South Windsor High School's cafeteria.

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Robotics Competition

Willa Hamelin, Dylan Hunt, and Aiden Keegan May 4, 2023

Sophomores, Willa Hamelin, Dylan Hunt, and Aiden Keegan recount their experience at the FIRST Robotics Competition in Houston, TX.

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Sports Podcast

Fadel Kafel, Tyler Romero, and Nathan Tenney April 28, 2023

This week on The Sidelines, sophomores Fadel Kafel, Tyler Romero, and Nathan Tenney discuss what is happening in sports at South Windsor High School.

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