As the winter season comes to an end and the spring season approaches, South Windsor High School athletes are preparing for another season of spring sports. Student-athletes will soon take to the baseball diamond and begin yet another highly anticipated Bobcat baseball season.
The SWHS baseball team began preparing for their spring season early, utilizing the pre-season to prepare mentally and physically for the games ahead. Most notably, they practiced real game situations with other team members as they geared up for the spring season.
Varsity baseball coach Michael McDermott has been coaching at SWHS for over a decade at this point. South Windsor has been grateful to have McDermott as a coach, having several huge seasons under him.
“I love the game of baseball and along with competition; I enjoy working with the young men and watching them reach their full potential as the season progresses,” McDermott told The Prowl.
The season begins March 17th, and no one is letting off the gas during preparation. Finishing with a record of 15-10, players know that this upcoming season they can push their limits and strive to reach their full potential.
Senior Justin Dittmar is currently committed to Anna Maria college to play baseball at the college level.

“Our record last year doesn’t represent how good we can be this year,” Dittmar told The Prowl.
Along with upcoming scrimmages that will put the team to the test, the varsity lineup is working hard at preparing for the upcoming season.
“All varsity players have been working out with their travel teams or American Legion teams. [I’m] hoping that all players are ready to play and that they have worked on fundamental skills this off season,” McDermott stated.
His main goal for the pre-season is making sure everyone on the team is ready to compete at the varsity level. Coach McDermott needs the whole team performing at the highest level in order to be entirely prepared from day one to compete against their very competitive schedule in this month of April.
McDermott says he is, “very excited for this season and we should be very competitive as we have 6 seniors and 1 junior who have already committed to playing baseball at the collegiate level”.