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Pre-season Report: Indoor Track

The cold empty outdoor track used by the athletes for meet preparation.
The cold empty outdoor track used by the athletes for meet preparation.
Izabella McKenna

The South Windsor High School 2024-2025 Indoor Track season started on Thursday, December 5th. Being almost a week into the season, athletes have already set  their goals and what they wish to achieve for this season. 

All the coaches have different hopes and goals for the team this year, especially Coach Griebel. Joining the team last year, assistant Coach Griebel helped the team tremendously. As the sprinting coach,  she gave the sprinters pointers that helped better their performance in meets. She is really excited for this season and knows how much all the athletes have been putting in work during the off-season.

When asked by The Prowl what she would do differently from last season to this one, Griebel said, “Last year because it was my first year, it was a little inconsistent. Especially with people not knowing when I would be at practices, so hopefully the communication can be more clear, so that it’s expected when I’ll be at practice.” 

One objective that unites the coaches is to help the athletes reach their goals. But to do this, the athletes need to set goals that they want to achieve and work hard to attain them. 

The track athletes have a lot to do this season, especially with the new practice schedule set in place by both head coaches. Their schedule has been split into Day 1 and Day 2 to help the athletes make sure they get the most out of practice for their events. 

The coaches split up the days so there isn’t just one athlete having to practice every single day for their event to help them get the rest they need to recover and perform better during meets. Both the days have different events listed that athletes can practice for a certain block of time before moving onto the next. 

The new schedule also helps the athletes better manage their practice time and also helps the multi-event athletes break their event training into different time blocks and days for more effective results. 

Along with a new schedule, there is a different determination set amongst the athletes this year. One athlete in particular, junior Lauren Ledger has a lot of goals for herself and is hoping to experience and try new events this season. 

“I’m looking forward to meeting new people and getting faster,” Ledger said.

The indoor track athletes have individual goals for the determination to attain that goal. They have worked hard over their off season and are excited to show it off this season at their first meet, on December 14 at Hartford Public.

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About the Contributor
Izabella McKenna
Izabella McKenna, Staff Writer
Izabella Mckenna is a South Windsor High School senior and excited to continue her 4th year as a writer for The Bobcat Prowl. Izabella hopes to inspire people to be who they want to be regardless of what others think. She is a tri-sport athlete playing Football, Indoor Track, and Outdoor Track. After high school she plans on following her family’s footsteps by joining the service. She is joining the AirForce. She loves listening to Indie, 90s pop and rap, and Latin/Reggaeton. She plans on going into a law enforcement career when she is older.