The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

The Bobcat Prowl

The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

A New Addition, Feature Maura Fitzgerald

Maura Fitzgerald
Maura Fitzgerald at work as a South Windsor Town Councilor.

After sitting with a vacant seat for a while, Democrat Maura Fitzgerald was appointed to fill the South Windsor Town Council.

Maura Fitzgerald grew up in South Windsor, and is a proud Bobcat from the class of 1989. Her beginnings in politics began in her family, as her grandmother was one of the first women to serve on the East Hartford Town Council. Later in life, Fitzgerald watched her uncle John Larson serve as the President Pro Tempore of the CT State Senate, through an internship in his Senate office.

“I loved watching and helping in small ways my Uncle John and other Senators, who were all there to serve the people of their districts,” Fitzgerald reminisced. 

Fitzgerald would continue to work at the Senate office throughout high school and even into college. Inspired by her family’s active role in public service, she has since filled positions at several state agencies, in US Senator Richard Blumenthal’s office, and in the private sector. 

To Fitzgerald, growing up in the town gives her a new perspective as a Town Councilor. While the town has changed from the farming community of her youth, she believes that the town is on a good path. 

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I think the diversity and growth of the town has been a beneficial thing and really speaks to all the town has to offer…

— Maura Fitzgerald

  “I’m looking forward to talking to people from all corners of the town to learn about what’s working well, what could be improved, and how I can be their voice in the Town Council,” Fitzgerald said.  

When it comes to having an active role in the town, Fitzgerald aims to bring a “town above politics” approach to her work. She wants to focus on what the town needs first and foremost, hoping to do what is best for the community as a whole. 

Fitzgerald also sees inspiring younger generations as a crucial part of her work. She believes that, in her role, she can show teens and young adults that it is possible to come together and seek compromise for the good of the community. 

“My work has always been behind the scenes, working for elected officials, but not serving as one myself,” Fitzgerald told the Prowl. “This position on the Town Council is my first opportunity to help people and our community from a public, official position, and I’m very excited to take this next step in my public service.”

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About the Contributor
Emily Porter
Emily Porter, Staff Writer
Emily Porter is a sophomore at South Windsor High School. She’s on the swim team at the high school and swims outside of the school as well. In her free time, she’s either reading, writing, or chilling in bed with her cat. Emily began reading avidly at a young age, which shifted into a love for writing during quarantine. She continues to work on her writing skills when she can, and likes dabbling in other creative things like knitting and drawing.