On Friday, May 3, students of the music department departed from SWHS at 8:00 am to compete at a music festival in Westfield. Shortly after the festival ended, students headed to Six Flags and spent their afternoon there.
These band, orchestra, and chorus students had started preparing for this festival since the beginning of the second semester, after the winter concerts ended. They put a lot of time into preparation in hopes of getting an award.
“I think the hardest piece for our band to get solid was Witching Hour,” freshman flutist Megan Sands said.
Although it was difficult at first, their hard work paid off, especially for Concert Choir when they won two trophies for their outstanding performance.
“The music festival was something I was really excited for, as I really love chorus. This was a chance to show how good we were, and in my opinion, we did really well. I gave my all to it,” freshman choir member, Dhanya Ramkumar, told The Prowl. “My friends and I got to spend some quality time together outside of school, which I am very grateful for as I only see them twice a week.”
These additions continued an impressive 2023-24 year for the Choir department. With director Mr. Jereme Martineau at the helm, Choral Spectrum (the Competitive Show Choir), Treble Choir, and Concert Choir have all brought home hardware.
For some, Six Flags was an exhilarating experience and a great way to spend quality time with friends.

“I have never been to Six Flags before, and it was so much fun, especially with my friends. I just loved the vibe,” freshman choir member, Aanya Shah, explained.
The chorus students were the first to arrive at the park at around noon. Orchestra and band students arrived around two hours later, and they were free to hang out until the award ceremony at 5:30 pm, which over 10 schools from across the state attended.
For many, the park rides were the best part of the experience.
“The Harley Quinn is in fact my one and only favorite ride. We love you, Harley!” freshman trombone player, Nikshita Sree Ganesh Kumar, commented.
As the year rounds to a close, the music department wraps up its performances aswell. While the band and orchestra have wrapped up official performances for the year, students still prepare to represent the music department in a variety of other performances across town. The choir department remains excited for there final performance of the year, as there Pops concerts take place on May 21 and 22nd, where they will bid farewell to the Class of 2024.
Overall, Friday’s music festival was a very positive experience for everyone, and they look forward to next year’s festival.