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Geissler’s Supermarket: Big Changes to Come

South Windsor’s Geissler's Market parking lot on a rainy day.
South Windsor’s Geissler’s Market parking lot on a rainy day.
Alec Dziuba

Geissler’s has been a staple for South Windsor residents for years and is the go-to grocery store for many in town. Located on Sullivan Avenue, Geissler’s is in constant competition with other supermarkets such as Stop and Shop, Trader Joe’s, Costco, and the newly added Whole Foods. 

Current owners, Eric and Ryan Nilsson and Andrew Rybiek, oversee the grocery store which has been family-owned for four generations. With fresh produce and baked goods delivered daily from Giuseppina’s across the street, the store has quality food and a welcoming environment. 

Geissler’s has a large impact on the younger working class and is a popular choice for high school students looking to join the workforce. 

“I enjoy working there due to the environment and believe that people should shop there because of the environment. It’s kind of a cozy place and the service is great,” said senior Sam Gorborino, who has been working at the store for two years.

 The big events for Geissler’s shoppers are the annual summer and fall sidewalk sales. During these events, various items are discounted, and food trucks and music are brought to the front of the store. 

The store is planning to implement a new self-checkout system very shortly. Gorborino explained how this improvement will be beneficial as the self-checkouts “will help [manage] the busy times in the day.” 

Besides the improvements to Geissler’s itself, there are also debates within the community to renovate the plaza where Geissler’s is located. The town, as well as the store, are hopeful that renovations will soon be coming to the plaza as Geissler’s is the only current occupant.

*There is also a proposal to build apartments, but this project has been put on hold as zoning issues are being fought in court. With the apartments being added to the plaza it will bring in more customers to Geissler’s. However, renovations to the plaza itself are necessary. 

“The parking lot is difficult to manage,” Gorborino commented. Making renovations to this would bring in more revenue into Geissler’s and even the other businesses located nearby. 

Despite certain challenges faced by businesses all around town, Geissler’s has remained a town staple for generations and is sure to remain that way for years to come.


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About the Contributors
Alec Dziuba
Alec Dziuba, Staff Writer
Senior Alec Dziuba plays football at South Windsor highschool. He likes sports and is involved with coaching youth basketball and track programs around South Windsor.
Alex Ouellet
Alex Ouellet, Staff Writer
Alex Ouellet is a senior at South Windsor high school, and a writer for the Bobcat Prowl. He has been playing soccer since he was 6, and he loves to play all sports. When he isn’t found at the field playing soccer, he enjoys spending time with friends or playing video games. Alex is a big food enthusiast and his favorite food is sushi.