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The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

The Bobcat Prowl

The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

ECE Marine Science Takes Field Trip To Bluff Point In Groton

ECE Marine Science Takes Field Trip To Bluff Point In Groton

Josh Hobbs, Editor May 3, 2019

Last Tuesday, ECE Marine Science, run by teacher Deb Field, took her students down to one of her favorite places in Connecticut, Bluff Point. This was the second time that her students went down to Bluff...

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The Game of Tiaras Rewind

Olivia LaRosa May 2, 2019

This past week, the South Windsor High School Drama Department put on the spring play, Game of Tiaras. This play is a parody of the hit television series, Game of Thrones, and Disney Princesses. The unique...

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Easter themed snacks at Cooking Club.

SWHS Cooking Club

Brianna Skaff, Editor May 2, 2019

There are a multitude of clubs at SWHS that have yet to be explored, one of them being the Cooking Club. Cooking Club meets every other Wednesday in room 105, where students combine into groups and utilize...

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Trevi Fountain in Rome, Italy

SWHS Students Trip to Spain and Italy

Brianna Skaff, Editor May 2, 2019

From April 5 to April 14, SWHS students traveled from the high school to Europe. Students traveled to Madrid, Barcelona, Rome, and even spent a couple of hours in Germany during a 5 hour layover. Below...

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Here’s What The Annual K-12 Art Show Is All About

Here’s What The Annual K-12 Art Show Is All About

Angelica Rivera-Oliveira May 1, 2019

Wednesday, April 24th, from 6pm-8:30pm the 41st annual K-12 art exhibition opened at the public library and is available to view until May 7th. The art show is welcome to anyone and everyone who would...

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Sydney Fournier, Junior, standing in front of the Palais des Papes in Avignon, France.

Sydney Fournier Spends One Week in Europe

Jacob Chaimovitch, Editor April 28, 2019

While many SWHS students went on a trip to Europe over the April Vacation time, Junior Sydney Fournier had the unique opportunity to go to Europe the week afterward; the reason being that she was unaware...

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Gina Bretz: Lead in "Game of Tiaras"

Gina Bretz: Lead in “Game of Tiaras”

Jessica Polito April 25, 2019

In a cross between the popular show “Game of Thrones” and the beloved Disney princesses, SWHS is performing a comedy called “Game of Tiaras” on April 25th and April 26th. The students have been...

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Derrick Rutkowski on top of Wolf Rock in Mansfield, Connecticut.

Geology Explores the Glacial Carving of Connecticut!

Mariana Rule April 23, 2019

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Annual Music Department Broadway Trip

Annual Music Department Broadway Trip

Olivia LaRosa April 23, 2019

This past Wednesday, April 17th, a group of kids from the music department went on a day trip to New York City to see a Broadway show among other things. The trip was open to kids in all three music programs...

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Paci Signorelli and His Vacation of the Year

Paci Signorelli and His Vacation of the Year

Joe Sandburg April 23, 2019

Over April break, many Students went on vacation away from home. One student happened to go to the country that has very few people living on it. Junior, Paci Signorelli, went to Iceland for his vacation....

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