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The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

The Bobcat Prowl

The Student News Site of South Windsor High School

The Bobcat Prowl

Mrs. Zaccardelli teaches Italian at South Windsor High School. She continues to teach students how to celebrate language.

Teacher Spotlight: Mrs. Zaccardelli

Maria Verly, Wire Services Manager October 19, 2023

Prowl: Why did you choose to become an Italian teacher? Ms. Zaccardelli: “I originally was a French and Spanish teacher, and I could also teach Russian, which I did but I was certified to teach Italian...

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Senior Emerson Iacovelli is having an incredible soccer season. During the game against Platt, Iacovelli scored a hat trick putting the team up 7-0. Iacovelli also scored 2 goals against East Hartford bringing the team 4-0.

Featured Athlete: Emerson Iacovelli

Aasrith Veerapaneni, Content Editor October 18, 2023

Prowl: How would you describe your playing style and what are your greatest strengths on the field? Iacovelli: I would describe my playing style as one of possession because I like to help build the...

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Bobcat Nation News Tuesday, October 17th

Bobcat Nation News October 17, 2023

Bobcat Nation News, Tuesday, October 17th

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On college tour in New England. Featured above, the nursing college at UMass Amherst.

Trip to University of Massachusetts Amherst

Tatiana Walton, Staff Writer October 17, 2023

Located in Amherst Massachusetts, UMass provided me, as a South Windsor High School student, with an opportunity to visit their campus. The scenery on the drive was immediately breathtaking. It seemed...

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Display of apples from Bussa Orchards in South Glastonbury, CT.

Apple Fest Provides a Taste of Fall

Ethan Sands, Copy Editor/ Opinion Specialist October 16, 2023

Despite the gloomy weather, 5,400 people left their homes to come together for the sixth annual South Windsor Apple Fest this past Saturday. Apple Fest is an annual festival to celebrate the fall harvest...

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Sahara Martin in her cheer jacket ready to cheer at the first game.

Featured Athlete: Sahara Martin

Tiffany Castellon, Staff Writer October 16, 2023

Prowl: Why did you choose to be involved in cheer? Martin: At first, I started cheering as a little kid just trying to make time go by. As the years went on, it started to be one of my favorite things...

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Bobcat Nation News Wednesday, October 11th

October 11, 2023

Bobcat Nation News, Wednesday, October 11th.

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Bobcat Nation News Thursday, October 5th.

Bobcat Nation News October 5, 2023

Bobcat Nation News broadcast, Thursday, October 5th.

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Bobcat Nation News October 3rd

October 5, 2023

Bobcat Nation News broadcast, October 3rd edition.

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The Wapping Fair's petting zoo allows people of all ages to feed and see baby animals such as cows, pigs and sheep.

Annual Fun at the Fair

The 131st annual Wapping Fair took place from Sept. 7th-10th.
Maria Verly, Wire Services Manager September 18, 2023

The first ever Wapping Fair was held in 1892. The main goal of this fair was to help fund the Wapping District School. With years with no fair, in 1945, the fair had a comeback to commemorate South Windsor’s...

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