The 2023-2024 Model UN season is back up and running at South Windsor High School. As one of the biggest clubs in the school, the student body is excited for its return and the start of a new year for this club.
With club meetings already starting, every room is lively as members choose the country they have to represent for the conference this year.
However, there was some unfortunate news for the club early, as the once annual trip to New York was again canceled. When asked, higher ranking member of the club Guru Seenivasan said, “it was logistically impossible”.
The money that would’ve been used for the field trip is now being distributed to other club activities so the money doesn’t go to waste. We asked Model UN advisor Mr. Richards how he felt about the club starting up again.
South Windsor High School is very well known for their Model UN team, sometimes purely because of the sheer amount of members, with over 100 students within the club. It is said every year the club has consistently good performances at the conference. “I hope to see students succeed in our club by making sure that everyone feels like they have a place where they can learn and debate at SWHS [Model United Nations]. We consistently win awards at the state conference, and we’re looking to reciprocate that this year!,” said the president of Model UN, Akhil Manasani.
The year is looking up, as the meetings are already in session and are going strong. The 10 committees, which are different groups working to solve specific problems, are working hard to have another great year. Model UN is one of the largest clubs at South Windsor High School, and in turn is one that garners success. They are all preparing for another amazing year of Model UN.