Administrative Assistant Appreciation Day
School Administrative Assistants never fail to show us what it means to work as a combined unit behind the scenes of South Windsor High School.
Mrs. McMahon, Mrs. Zaino, Mrs. Balducci, Mrs. Hanchuck, and Mrs. Iacovelli are the incredible administrative assistant team at SWAHS.
On Wednesday, April 26, 2023, South Windsor High School celebrated Administrative Assistant Appreciation Day in a big way. Here at SWHS, we have eight administrative assistants in total those of who Ms. Balducci, Ms. Schworm, Ms. Zaino, Ms. Hancock, Ms. McMahon, Ms. Wziontko, Ms. Iacoveli, and Ms. McLaughlin. Interact Club, a volunteering club, hosted a card-making event that encouraged students to make their own cards to show their gratitude towards our beloved Administrative Assistants.
“I feel like administrative assistants are looked past and not given enough credit for the work that they do,” said sophomore Greta Louis. Though they may not be at the forefront of the high school scene at all times, they are constantly contributing to the atmosphere of the school by putting in countless hours to ensure that things are running smoothly for students and staff behind the scenes.
“She’s always quickly updating my attendance with doctor’s notes,” said Giovanni Righi, a senior at South Windsor High School when asked about how administrative assistants create a better-running school system. Not only are they updating schedules in a timely manner, but they are also dealing with preparing documents for meetings, as well as managing the calendar of the administrative staff.
“I think being an administrator assistant is being responsible, respectful, and thinking about everyone’s ideas,” said sophomore Hiteshree Dirisala. Administrative assistan

ts are consistently embodying the principles of South Windsor High School that are mentioned in the portrait of a graduate.
Administrative Assistants are continuously showing us what it means to work as a team in a professional manner. From answering phone calls to planning crucial meetings, they never fail to rise to the occasion to ensure that our school system runs as smoothly as possible.

Eshal Irfan is a sophomore at South Windsor High School who is writing for The Bobcat Prowl in Journalism I. Irfan particularly enjoys arts and crafts, creative projects, and reading historical fiction...