Fall Ball, Love Them All
South Windsor plays Glastonbury at Rye Street park South Windsor.
Fall sports make their mark to be the best season during the high school year. High school sports are sometimes seen as the most valuable part of the high school experience.
Participating in extracurriculars can have multiple benefits for students, sports can improve physical fitness and overall health and develop critical social skills like teamwork and communication, and teach important life lessons about perseverance and sportsmanship. High school sports also provide opportunities for students to succeed, with futures such as earning scholarships for colleges.
Taking place at the beginning of the school year, fall sports allow athletes to become more involved at the beginning of the school year, and help them stay more motivated and focused. Students struggle from summer break to back to school in itself, but fall sports allow them to be more focused and help students get back on track.
Fall sports bring the community together, at South Windsor high school the fan-led crowd known as the “Rowd Crowd” comes together and supports the most during the fall sports season.
“The fall sports season is the best time of the year because we have a great football and soccer program. The ‘Rowd Crowd’ is also at its peak in the fall, this brings more energy and hype to games,” said sophomore Fadel Kafel.
“It is a great way to be reintroduced into the school year, also the temperature is best at that time and other students are coming to the games to support the team and their friends,” said sophomore class president Nihaal Thakran.
Fall sports season is the most competitive time in high school with critical sports including football and soccer, nationwide sports that are both the most common and popular in the United States. These sports also demonstrate life lessons, such as teamwork and commitment. Fall sports bring the community together, at South Windsor high school the fan-led crowd known as the “Rowd Crowd” comes together and supports the most during the fall sports season.

Nathan Tenney is a sophomore at South Windsor High School. Tenney is eager to join The Bobcat Prowl. He enjoys a variety of sports and is looking forward to sharing his sports knowledge with The Prowl's...

Eli Schwartzman is a third year journalism student at South Windsor High School and is entering his junior year. He is the Sports Speciallist for The Prowl. He oversees all sports content that comes through...