Vers le Grand Nord Blanc (To the Great White North)
The Quebec Trip started off as speculation around the language department. It definitely made the French students excited, since most students had yet to have a field trip because of Covid. But once we got the okay for the trip, planning started immediately.
French teacher, Moussa Ly, had helped to organize this trip for students who take French but later opened it to all language students. The trip was set for February 3rd, 2023 but forms were required to be submitted much earlier.
During the trip, we went to multiple locations in Quebec City and toured around, giving us a surplus of information about the history of the city and important events that had occurred.
A student who had gone on the trip, Sneh Detroja, stated that “the trip was very fun because of the new things we learned and friends and teachers we hung out with. We saw experiences and new things as well, such as the really cold weather and food. Overall it was a really nice trip and I would definitely do it again if given the chance.”
The purpose of this trip was to do exactly as Sneh stated, give students new opportunities to
experience a different culture and participate in different activities revolving around it.
Max McDonald is a junior staff writer for The Bobcat Prowl newspaper. Max enjoys submitting short stories into writing contests and making wire jewelry outside of school. An avid lover of animals, Max...
In addition to his communication with over 60 world leaders, Max Schwartzman is the Editor-in-Chief of South Windsor High School’s award winning newspaper, The Bobcat Prowl. He is strongly committed...
Max Schwartzman • Feb 26, 2023 at 3:16 pm
Thank you Victoria for being our first proper guest writer, this article was incredible.
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