Ready for the Holidays: AP Lang Secret Santa
Tis’ the season to be jolly and merry, especially in Mrs. Flachsbart’s period 6 AP Lang class, which participated in a student run “Secret Santa” gift exchange on December 20th. Occurring right before Christmas and during Hanukkah, the exchange created much cheer amongst the students.
Juniors, Anushri Sandeep and Maanya Pande, came up with the idea to bring about joy and build community. “It was so much fun organizing this!” Pande told The Prowl.
The event created a lot of excitement and smiles, as well as further connecting the already close class. “It was very cute,” said Junior, Sophia Johnson, “it shows that we have a community…and are better than Period 8.”
All students were assigned another student to get a gift for, being guided by a festive slideshow where everyone could note their likes and dislikes. Gifts included jewelry, candy, books, and dog squeaky toys.
“This shows we have such a tight knit class,” Sandeep explained, connecting to the close friendship of many within the room.
Some enjoyed the event so much, they wanted to make it a regular activity. “We should do more of this, perhaps for Valentine’s Day?” Junior, Ryan Rahman exclaimed.
It wasn’t just the students having fun, though. Mrs. Flachsbart, who had been out the day of the S
ecret Santa exchange, was treated to a surprise gift and impromptu party on that Thursday.
“I was so genuinely sad to be sick on the day of the class exchange, but it made up for it when everyone surprised me,” Flachsbart told The Prowl, “I think it’s adorable that they did a Secret Santa.”

The girls who organized the Secret Santa got Flachsbart a card, signed by the class, and a stuffed bear that said “AP Lang Slays,” a reference to their Tik Tok.
Flachsbart noted that: “the girls who set it up should be recognized for helping to keep our class morale high!”
As Christmas fast approaches, the Period 6 AP Lang class is looking forward to a stronger and closer community, as well as wishing everyone a happy holidays.

In addition to his communication with over 60 world leaders, Max Schwartzman is the Editor-in-Chief of South Windsor High School’s award winning newspaper, The Bobcat Prowl. He is strongly committed...