Where Did the Spirit Go?

Where Did the Spirit Go?


A fun football game, a dance for all your friends, and a whole week to show off your school spirit. Homecoming week is finally here, but many students find it hard to enjoy because of the basic spirit week themes.

 “The themes were very boring and I expected more, especially for my first spirit week here,” says Maria Verly, a sophomore who recently transferred here to South Windsor. If students 

explained senior Shamyla Milner.  “The themes have been the same since I started school.” 

Many other students found the themes unoriginal and disappointing because nearby schools have more original ideas. 

Homecoming week is one time a year, so students want to go all out. On social media, there are thousands of people posting about their themes. Celebrity day, meme day, and dress like your type day are some fun spirit week themes compared to pajama day, color day, and twin day. Although spirit week has passed, we still have next year to make it up. I think the people in charge of spirit week should start listening to the student’s suggestions more, they can always turn down ideas but a student’s voice should be heard.