Leaving a Mark, One Mural at a Time

Paintings found around South Windsor High School

Cara Quinn

Paintings found around South Windsor High School

At South Windsor High School, above each set of lockers in each hallway, History, English, first floor, second floor, reside motivational sentences and sayings. Yet there is something missing, until one teacher comes and makes the hallways colorful again. 

Painting for Positivity is a club started by South Windsor Art teacher, Mrs. Rentz. The club began when Rentz went out one day and saw murals at a nearby school. She thought about what she could do with the idea. 

“When I started teaching at the high school I found that it felt very bland. There was the color of the lockers, walls, doors, everything else there was no color,” said Rentz. 

Soon after her discovery, the club was created and students joined her cause. The process starts in a Google Doc, where each saying that was written above the lockers years ago was pasted into. Underneath each saying, students identify a way to draw it on the walls. 

“Be positive and positive things will happen,” and  “Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth,” are two examples of sayings around the school. 

In Rentz’s art room, everyone’s off to work, the sounds of giggling and laughing and “How do you make brown” bounces off the walls. Each member has a different project they are working on. 

After asking a member of the club why it was named “Painting for Positivity”, Brenda Do, Junior at SWHS responded,

When asked what drew her to the club, and why she joined, Do said, “I joined this club because I felt like the words around the school were cool but missing in some places,”

Painting for Positivity still accepts members, the Google classroom code is in the document for clubs at the high school, found in the SWHS website.