United Community Party With State Rep Run

Marek Kozikowski´s goal to help bring opportunity, unity and voice into South Windsor

Record Journal

Marek Kozikowski

For the November 8th ballot, Marek Kozikowski, a politician from the new South Windsor party, UCP (United Community Party), is joining in the race for state rep. 

The campaign is big for UCP as a whole. If  Kozikowski gets 1%+ of the total votes on the 8th, then the party will move into official status.

Bringing a new option into South Windsor, Kozikowski’s hopes to bring new opportunities along with it.

The town’s new provisional political party has set their main campaign focus on local issues, hoping to combat tension and progress among the two leading parties: ¨The divisive tactics of national policies [that have] have seeped their way into South Windsor put a grinding halt to collaboration and progress within our town¨ (Ucp.org).

Only first introduced in early 2022, UCP is fairly new. Town projects are a significant part of the campaign. From the get go, UCP members spent hours cleaning up trash in the community, and in June, the United Community raised $1,000 for the local food bank in order to begin working on progress for the town (South Windsor Food and Fuel bank).

Projects involving the South Windsor community allow people to have a voice, which is why Kozikowski plans to “help South Windsor get more access to federal and state grants/grant money to help fund projects in town.¨ 

An avid part of town council, and a long time member of city council, Kozikowski  wants to use his skills in planning, economic development and environmental preservation to better SW.  ¨I want to contribute to the South Windsor community, the best I can, and my background and experience have prepared me for that job¨ said Kozikowski.

With the election quickly approaching, Kozikowski  has many other plans to come. One of his main upcoming goals aims to allow, ¨South Windsor be able to make decisions for itself as it relates to development opposed to the State telling it what to do.¨ The state rep. candidate adds.  

One of the ways the candidate hopes to do this is by pushing to receive more federal grants. Access to these will allow SW to have more control over their town, which Kozikowski  feels will bring less tension and more power/influence into the S.W. community.

In speaking with the Chairperson, Art Adduci, about why UCP was created, he explained that it was when ¨we [creators of UCP] saw firsthand the division that was happening within South Windsor as a result of toxic national politics.¨We aim to keep politics local and engage in collaborative efforts to find solutions to what ails South Windsor,¨ said Adduci.

Whether nationwide or local, political tension is heated. In CT, it’s hard to drive 10 minutes listening to 105.9 or 96.5 (or any radio station) without hearing Lamont or Stefanowski attacking one another in a battle for governor. Adduci talked about the party´s hope to become a place for SW citizens to avert from frustration surrounding various political campaigns. 

 UCP plans to ¨never run a negative campaign. You will never see a flier or ad from us attacking an  opponent-¨ Adduci added. 

First receiving approval August 25,2022, Kozikowski will be up against Rep. Tom Delniki (R) and Councilwoman Erica Evans (D) on the 8th.