“Save Our Schools” Demonstration at SWHS

June 9, 2022
On a foggy and gray Thursday morning, approximately two dozen students held up signs and gave speeches to warn of the danger of school violence as morning bus offloading occurred. Walking the track of the football field the group attracted much attention and conversation that day among students.
“Today we stand here as a group, a group united by the idea that we have seen enough violence, the violence that plagues our schools, our communities, and our country.” Co-Organizer Olivia Kvadus announced. “As one united voice we shall speak out against this violence, and against the death of innocent children.”
The protest was designed by three students who were upset with violence at schools across the nation, pointing mostly towards the recent Robb Elementary School Shooting.
“We come to school to learn. We should not fear for our lives in school.” Co-Organizer Raisa Khaled insisted. “But here we are today. Time has changed, and unfortunately, school violence became a part of our lives.”
The students held up a variety of posters and signs (pictured above), including: “Schools are for Learning,” “Stop the Violence,” and “Fear has No Place in Schools.”
“Even with everything that went wrong at this terrible event, our demonstration is not enough. We want justice for those who lost their lives, not just in Uvalde, but for every victim of school shootings.” Co-Organizer Rakesh Nagamathan announced. “We want action, because fear doesn’t belong in schools, we shouldn’t walk in everyday hoping we make it through.”
The demonstrators numbered between twenty and thirty, while six teachers, two administrators, and two law enforcement officers were also present.
When asked about school violence in South Windsor, Officer Korchari, the SWHS School Resource Officer, noted that while caution is important, “this school and the South Windsor Police Department are leagues ahead of other schools [in terms of preventing violence].” Korchari later explained that ”the best way to prevent violence is for us to know the kids, and understand them and what’s going on with them.”
When asked about their plan to reduce school violence, the students suggested that any student who needs help should speak to a guidance counselor. This sentiment about mental healthcare was also in the mind of Officer Korchari.
Please click this link if you need to speak to a counselor.
Through their persistence, and despite the weather, SWHS students were able to successfully hold an event that assisted in educating the general student body of an issue affecting schools across the nation.
j • Oct 27, 2023 at 11:59 am
this is powerful and needs more spotlight on how these kids protested!!
Rawnak Afrose • Jun 10, 2022 at 11:26 am
We are so proud of theses kids. Thanks for let your voice be heard…