Classic Award Show Turns Into A Fight Club: The Events Of The Now Infamous Punch

Classic Award Show Turns Into A Fight Club: The Events Of The Now Infamous Punch

Jack Huot, Copy Editor

Shocking. Just one of the words that could sum up the events at the Oscars this past Sunday. The audience, whether in person or watching through a screen, was taken aback when Will Smith smacked Chris Rock over a comment he made about Jada Smith’s appearance. 

The comment made by Rock occurred on stage as he presented the award category for best documentary. After getting the audience to chuckle at previous jokes, Chris let out a joke that Smith didn’t seem too fond of. According to NBC News, Rock said he was, “excited for Jada Pinkett Smith to star in ‘G.I. Jane 2,’” referring to her shaved head.

The revolting statement said by Rock shouldn’t have been said; the joke wasn’t only made about a woman who is fighting alopecia, but a woman of color who faces degrading comments each day over her hair. Though the comment should’ve been avoided, Smith should’ve handled the situation differently and instead have addressed it backstage; both should be held accountable for their actions.

What followed: an uproar of laughter even from Will Smith himself at first. After leaning toward his wife to observe her facial expressions he was quick to defend her more… reckless manner. In a matter of ten seconds, Smith left his seat, marched up to the stage, and smacked Rock over the face with his right hand; moments later Smith went back to his seat and continued his interruption from there.

The U.S broadcast of the show seemed to block out what he blurted out in time due to a delay in the system but that doesn’t necessarily mean someone couldn’t read his lips…What he said cannot be put into a high school blog, but let’s just say it wasn’t for children’s ears. 

Many people were too stunned to believe that this happened; like myself, many thought that this was just another gag or skit set up prior to the ceremony. Quick as the platform is, Twitter jumped in for comments.

“What just happened…” @GossipInformer commented. User @therealzevgood tweeted in disbelief saying, “That was a joke right..?!?!?!?” But everyday Twitter users weren’t the only ones weighing in on the situation. Director Judd Apatow took to Twitter to share his frustration in a since-deleted tweet.

“He could have killed him. That’s pure out of control rage and violence. They’ve heard a million jokes about them in the last three decades. They are not freshman in the world of Hollywood and comedy. He lost his mind.” Apatow says.

What surprised most was that Smith still was able to obtain his first oscar in the category of the best actor in a leading role for King Richard.

In his nonlinear, unprepared speech, Smith referenced love as a justification for his actions and how it “makes you do crazy things” as he says. He even went as far as to connect it to his role in the movie he won for saying how “Richard Williams was a fierce defender of his family.” As well as mentioning how”Art imitates life.” He ended by once again tying it back to the movie. “ I look like the crazy father, just like they said about Richard Williams.”

I believe that Chris Rock should’ve thought before he spoke and acknowledged the potential consequences of his actions. Whether you’re on Chris Rock or Will Smith’s side one thing’s for sure… award shows finally got entertaining again.