SWHS Musical Performance: Pandemonium 2020

December 2, 2020
One would think holding a live show in the grips of a virus would be virtually impossible to perform. But virtual is the exact sentiment students and staff at our school have adopted in order to put on a spectacular musical performance this year: Pandemonium 2020.
Administrator for the club Ms. Stodd Knapp speaks on the topic, “It has been such a challenge! We can’t even sing at the same time via zoom or meet, so everything kind of happens in a vacuum.”
Knapp elaborated on the process of rehearsal and simply hearing about their weekly work seemed relentless, “We meet together via Google, I teach the song, and then the students listen to their individual parts that I’ve recorded for them. They also have the original soundtrack recording to work with, and an accompaniment track that I’ve recorded, but they’re still largely hearing their part out of context. Then they record themselves practicing and submit the recording to me for feedback. Eventually, we’ll record “for real,” and then it gets edited all together.”
For as much that is required from participants in the show many students such as member Inchara Gaddi display a positive outlook and feeling of excitement on putting on the virtual performance, “It’s definitely going to be very different this year because in other years we would be able to work together with the rest of the cast to make the show the best it could be but obviously we can’t this year so that’s definitely been a challenge. But that being said, I think we chose some great songs and everyone is working so hard to try and make work and I think we’ll be able to pull it off and have a great production.”
Feelings similarly shared with Ms. Stodd Knapp, “I am in awe of how these students have applied themselves to learning parts, to supporting each other, to just showing up each week to sing. It confirms the incredible value that the arts have not just in education but in our lives; when we can no longer sing together to create community and joy….we find a way” concluding her feelings on the showcase and intensely creative display students of South Windsor High School have been able to muster.
The virtual performance of Pandemonium is anticipated to show in February 2021.