The Pandemic and our Social Lives: The Social Impact

The Pandemic and our Social Lives: The Social Impact

Collin Bullock, Writer

It goes without saying that everyone on Earth has been impacted in some way by the Virus, whether it be financial, health, mental, the list goes on. But everyone has one aspect in common- the near-death of social lives. Birthdays, proms, parties, and a plethora of other social gatherings have been postponed, modified, or canceled completely.  But among all the heartbreak remains hope. Students at South Windsor High were asked what they`d do after the Pandemic ends, and precautions can be lifted. When asked, Jake R, a Senior at SWHS,  responded:

 ¨I`m not expecting it to go away until after we graduate, so I`ll probably take a trip to California and stay there for a few months, just to get out of the routine.¨ The past 8 months have seemingly repeated over and over again, and many people may seek something new. ¨There`s a lot of people there that I`ve met online relating to music, and I feel seeing them could really help me creatively.¨


It seems the consensus for most students is to travel. Many people have family they visit annually, for reunions, birthdays, and holidays. Such as Zoe C, a Junior. ¨I think one of the first things I want to do is travel,¨ she answered when prompted on the subject. Most students want to just travel, nowhere in particular, but just to break the almost identical days we`ve lived for the past 8 months. That being said, Quarantine has allowed many people to discover new passions, and are eager to pursue them. Of course, not all people plan on traveling and may stay local and ease into life`s swing one again.


¨When the Pandemic is over, I`m going to play live music again, and visit my family,¨ answered Senior Sarah C. The live music scene in town has been hit hard, but musicians are eager to get back out after the Pandemic ends. Artists, writers, and musicians have hit something of a block, and haven`t been able to show the public their works.    

Ambitions are certainly rising across the nation, as Pandemic Fatigue sets in. 

Though hope is on the horizon, please stay safe and healthy during these troubled times.