President Trump to Rejoin Campaign Trail after COVID Hospitalization

President Trump to Rejoin Campaign Trail after COVID Hospitalization

Collin Bullock, Writer

Following President Trump`s Coronavirus diagnosis on October 1st, and his hospitalization a few days later, questions about the effect on his campaign events. Those concerns were answered after the President announced his return to his Rally-Style campaign events, the first of which will be held on the South Lawn of the White House, and another in Florida the following afternoon. However, even more questions arose from this decision, most of which pertain to the spread of the virus Via the President to his supporters. 

In a memo to the press, a Lead Navy Physician is quoted as saying the following: ¨This evening I am happy to report that in addition to the President Meeting CDC Criteria for the safe discontinuation of Isolation, this Morning´s (October 10) COVID PCR Sample Demonstrates, by currently recognized standards, he is no longer a Transmission risk to others.¨ Though the statement did clear the majority of concerns, the result of the President’s last COVID Test was omitted. Americans are concerned nonetheless about the President’s choice, and the visuals it sets for the World. 

¨It seems irresponsible to say the least,¨ Says Corey Farnesworth of Connecticut. ¨He`s setting a really bad example for his supporters.¨ Voters are taking note as well, as the Election looms just 3 weeks away. Christine Wood, a Teacher and Mother in Connecticut, expressed her views on the matter. ¨(President Trump`s) Actions are selfish and self-aggrandizing.¨ The controversial choice is surely influencing voters, in a vital time for both sides of the aisle. 

The First Lady also announced she and Baron Trump had recently overcome the Virus as well, despite claims that she retained a light cough. With the Election only 2 weeks away, the time is vital for the closing campaign statements. The Final Presidential Debates are just days away, and will be the last chance to see both candidates on Stage.