MLB Rejects MLBPA’s Return-to-Play Proposal

Source: Newsweek

Source: Newsweek

Joe Sandberg, Editor

On Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020, The MLB rejected the Major League Baseball’s Player Association’s proposal to come back with a full 114 regular game season. This came as a shock to many because people want to see baseball. Unfortunately, they did not come back with a counter-proposal either. Their attempt to recover the season among the Coronavirus pandemic is still ongoing. 

On the inside track, the MLB had talked about a shortened season with only 50 games to at least put something up for the community. However, this was just a little idea that they had come up with and was never formally proposed in meetings.

With all ideas on the table, the major idea that is keeping these proposals from going through is the MLB players that want their full shares of their salaries this year if they play. This has become nearly impossible, however, with there being an absence of fans at the games if they were to play. On May 11th, the economic proposal for the MLB was an 82-game regular season with the highest-paid players having pay cuts. With that in mind, this would mean players would only be receiving 30% of their original salaries they would have earned in 2020. This would also be about the same with the 50- game proposal.

If the MLB were to come back and have a season, they said that they would have to have a post-season. The post-season would have to be over by the end of October in order to guard the players against a potential second wave of the Coronavirus. The Coronavirus is the other major subject of discussion because having a shorter season would lessen the risk of getting the Coronavirus but, critics are saying a 50-game season is just not enough to be an actual season.

The MLB continues to argue and with its players and discuss new options almost every day. They hope to get back on the diamond for an opening day by July 4th. In the next coming weeks, they will have to make a decision on whether there will be a season or not.