Colleges have Canceled their Spring Sports Tournaments for 2020

Trinity College are part of the NESCAC and will not have their Spring Tournaments Source: Boston Globe
March 20, 2020
In early March, many conference teams for college spring sports were canceled due to the ongoing virus of COVID-19. The NCAA has decided to cancel all winter and spring championships in 2020, including March Madness.
According to the NCAA, “some conferences have now jumped in and prevented any teams from holding practices of any kind for the time being.” Many college athletes are now trying to get a redshirt passed through so that players will get an extra year to participate in sports. Seniors in college are upset that they are unable to play their senior year, but if the redshirt passes, they will be allowed another year. The Boston Globe inserts a tweet from UPenn baseball player Brendan Bean, who responded to the ivy leagues cancellation of spring sports and says, “It’s more than a game, it’s people’s lives. This is beyond wrong @IvyLeague you should be ashamed.”
In addition to matches canceled, spring break trips held annually have been halted, seeing that the Assumption Men’s Tennis team had to cut their spring break short, after spending only a couple of days at Hilton Head, South Carolina. Assumption College, which is in the NorthEast 10 Conference along with other teams around New England, has canceled all spring sports, and are now canceling championships as well. For many teams, it comes as a disappointment, for the Stonehill Women’s Tennis team were looking forward to qualifying for the NCAA Division I tournament in the coming weeks.
Almost all schools across America have canceled their collegiate sports and are also having students move back home for online schooling. The New England Small College Athletic Conference (NESCAC) Presidents have “met and concluded unanimously that conference competition, including conference championships, will be canceled for the 2020 spring season.” Many schools in the league have also told students to return home due to COVID-19 and complete the spring semester online.
For those looking forward to playing a spring sport either as a senior, or even freshman, they will now have to wait another year before getting the chance to play but will be able to get another season to perform.