Joe Biden Wins South Carolina Primary as Super Tuesday Approaches

Josh Hobbs, Editor

Last night, Joe Biden showed the world that his presidential campaign is far from over, as he won the South Carolina primary by a fairly large margin. The Biden campaign had made it known even before the Iowa Caucus, that South Carolina was where the Biden would take-off, and they couldn’t have been more accurate. As Super Tuesday inches closer, Biden is poised to make a challenge for the national front-runner come Wednesday morning. 

Prior to Biden’s win on Saturday, the former Vice President of Barack Obama had a ‘less than enthusiastic’ start to his presidential bid. With poor performances in the first three states (Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada), many political analysts were labeling South Carolina as a “make or break’ moment for Biden. After receiving nearly half the vote, Biden made his voice heard in a victory speech after it was declared Biden would win South Carolina. 

“Just days ago, the press and the pundits had declared this candidacy dead,” Biden told supporters. “Now, thanks to all of you, the heart of the Democratic Party, we’ve just won and we’ve won big because of you. We are very much alive!”

Even though the victory was a much needed win for the former V.P., Biden still trials Sen. Bernie Sanders in the delegate count. Before South Carolina, Sanders and Mayor Pete Buttigieg were at the top the delegate count, but now it is between Sanders and Biden. With 60 delegates, Senator Sanders holds a slight lead ahead of Biden, who currently has 53. In reality, these totals mean relatively nothing as the number needed to claim the nomination is 1,991, not to mention Super Tuesday right around the corner. 

Now with South Carolina in the past, all candidates will look ahead to the most important date in the nomination process, Super Tuesday. This is where a whopping 14 states and one U.S. Territory will cast their ballots, ultimately awarding 1,357 delegates (34% of all delegates) in one day. The states selected range all over the country, from California to Massachusetts. While it’s impossible for one candidate to win the nomination on Super Tuesday alone, securing a majority of the available delegates can take you a long way.

This year, Super Tuesday is even more influential as the California primary decided to join Super Tuesday. With over 400 delegates at stake, there’s no disputing how drastic California is for the candidates, with approximately 30% of the awarded delegates coming from one state. 

Super Tuesday will also see the addition of former New York mayor, Michael Bloomberg, who has yet to be on a single ballot or caucus site. The former mayor has spent an incredible sum of money on advertisements across the country in hopes to spread his message and popularity, after entering the contest in such late fashion.