Mrs. Booth’s Baking!

Jason Alwang, Editor

  • Seniors-Chloe Kapisak, Joshua Smith, Elijah Kelly, Juniors-Justin Bastis and Samantha Van Horn and Freshmen-Tamir Skyers are all laminating their dough for their croissants or pastries.

  • Seniors-Chloe Kapisak and Elijah Kelly and Junior-Justin Bastis are folding their dough in for their croissants that they’re making.

  • Junior-Giulianna Gionfriddo is pinching the ends of the dough to prevent the butter from coming out of the dough.

  • Seniors-Gianna Cardniale and Morgan Saylor are starting to make their croissants by cutting them and shaping them.

  • Junior-Gianna Righi is brushing on a topping on top of her danish pastries.

  • Senior-Joshua Smith and Junior-Samantha Van Horn are folding and shaping their croissants to prep them for the oven.

  • Senior-Chloe Kapisak and Junior-Justin Bastis are brushing on their flavoring for their croissants to add some flavor to their product.

  • Senior-Joshua Smith is helping his group out with the topping while the others are getting ready to do the dishes.

  • Senior-Chloe Kapisak is making the chocolate topping to drizzle over her croissants by melting chocolate chips.

  • Senior-Kaitlyn DiBenedetto is drizzling on her chocolate to finish off her croissants.

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