How Music, Sports, and Friends have Shaped Evan Rapp

Jacob Chaimovitch, Editor

At South Windsor High School, there are plenty of things to keep you busy and occupied. Whether it is the classes during the school day or the extracurricular options available to anyone, there are several options to take advantage of. Someone who has done more than take advantage of the available options is senior, Evan Rapp. Rapp wears plenty of hats as part of SWHS, including being a member of Spectrum Band, Wind Ensemble, the Soccer Team, and is also Class Vice President for the Class of 2020.

Spectrum Band is the small group that accompanies the song and dance group Choral Spectrum. Conducted by Mr. Martineau, it consists of a small group of people that needed to audition for the seats. One of which was Rapp, who made the group for the third consecutive year on trombone. Rapp points out the group’s teamwork and bond over music to their success and says that “there is absolutely potential to win [a Best Band Award]. It really just comes down

Spectrum band at their most recent competition that was held on February 1st.

to fine-tuning which gets better as the year goes on.” Other than Spectrum Band, Rapp is also a member of the Wind Ensemble. As soon as the 2020 graduating class entered high school, there was something truly special about this group. This has been proven through multiple awards, exemplary concerts, and the fact that most of that graduating class plays in the higher group called Wind Ensemble alongside Rapp. Playing with the same group of people for four years has certainly impacted Rapp. He states that he is part of a “unique community [that is] really experienced and talented” and predicts success at their big competition in the spring at Virginia Beach.

Music is not the only part of Rapp’s life. He is also an avid member of the Bobcat Soccer team. As part of another unique group of kids, Rapp found it “really fun and a nice way to keep active and [strengthen] some great relationships with my coaches,” Unfortunately, Rapp’s varsity season was cut short due to injury, but he still found a way to enjoy himself and stay in the moment by staying engaged with the freshman and sophomores on the team as well as being a locker room leader. Off the field and away from the band room, Rapp also serves as the Class of 2020 Vice President alongside Neal Shuh, Joshua Smith, and Manny Mokel. He has used this experience well for his future endeavors, as he mentions improvement to his “communication to adults and being an effective organizer” because of his responsibilities in the position.

Regardless of if you see him in the band room or on the sports field or neither, Rapp has an infectious personality and optimism to him and any conversation you have with him is sure to be a fun one. Be sure to catch Evan Rapp playing trombone or soccer as well as his decisions in class office as he continues his fruitful high school career.