Jeffree Star Confirms Breakup with Nathan Schwandt

Jeffree Star (right) with Nate Schwandt
January 13, 2020
On January 11, 2020, Jeffree Star released a video on his youtube channel, confirming breakup with long-time boyfriend Nathan Schwandt. Rumors of the breakup first surfaced the internet after Schwandt deleted his Instagram early this year. Even though this lead to speculation of Star and Schwandt breaking up fans also suggested him deleting his Instagram could be because he has expressed frequently that he does not like to be in public view. This dislike for public viewing also came up in Star’s breakup video, he alluded to the fact that this was a reason for the breakup. The true reason for the breakup was not expressed, however.
Star has expressed his devastation over the breakup. Saying “The love of my life is no longer (with me) like he’s no longer here and I don’t wake up to him anymore.” Star has expressed his fondness for Schwandt even though they are broken up. Sharing that the pair are still friends even though they did break up. Star took a break from social media following the breakup to heal.
Following Star taking a break from Social media fake rumors of Star’s mom dying surrounded the media. Star’s mother called him one morning asking about the rumors. Star was horrified addressing this rumor saying “Imagine your own mother waking up to a news article that she’s no longer with us.” The rumors surrounding the breakup were insane with Star’s own family trying to sell information, that was not true, to the press. Star conveyed his emotional struggle with the situation. Saying that people he hadn’t talked to since before Star and Schwandt got together were claiming to know information about the couple.
Following the breakup, video Star posted a video with Nate in his house with the caption, “Nate is being a Dog dad all day.” This raised questions for fans because the couple was just recently confirmed to be split. Star later tweeted “He and I both feel it is necessary to show that he is actually at my house today because there are a few media outlets reporting that Nate is in another city with a girl.” This shut down the rumor that Nate was already dating something new after only being broken up with Star for a few weeks.