Halloween in the Music Department
Jake Silverman, left, Evan Rapp, middle, and Rohan, right, looking very excited for Halloween as they were fully dressed up for the day.
Josh Hobbs, Editor
November 6, 2019
Band and orchestra teacher, Mr. Verrastro tells his students his famous “haunted house” story during the annual music department telling on Halloween.
Mr. Verrastro going in depth to explain his haunted story to the music classes.
Mr. Verrastro, left, and Mr. Martineau, right, directing students to enter the room for the start of the annual ‘telling’.
Mr. Martineau, left, and Mr. Verrastro, right posing for pictures after their annual ‘telling’.
Will Smith, top, and Ryan Seder , bottom, showing off their costumes after the annual ‘telling’.
Mr. Verrastro getting students to join him in a photo after the ‘Telling’ .
Jake Silverman, left, Evan Rapp, middle, and Rohan, right, looking very excited for Halloween as they were fully dressed up for the day.
Jake, Evan, and Rohan posing again with their costumes.
All of the music classes coming together to take a photo with all of their unique costumes including the very dark and scary Mr. Martineau and Mr. Verrastro
The music classes talking together about their Halloween events.