Olivia Mogor: Freshman Class of 2023’s President

Olivia Mogor poses with her bright smile in hopes to show her friendly personality.

Kelli Mann, Writer

South Windsor High School’s very own class of 2023 has put all their trust in the newly elected class president, Oliva Mogor. Mogor’s kind and compassionate personality has helped build that trust between her and the student body. As president, she has many intents to make changes in the well-being and relationships between the students. 

Mogor’s decision to run for class president was not unintentional, she states “I ran for freshman class president because I felt like our grade is kind of separated so I really wanted to try and unify the class in some way.” As president, she intends to follow through on her promise to unite the class by hosting and organizing some new events. Mogor say that she plans to do this “by doing a movie night and having class of 2023 merchandise.” The unification of the student body will help create a happier, healthier, and more productive environment for everyone. Her successes in school as a straight A student helps to reflect the determination and intelligence that she will carry over into her presidency. Mogor says her transition to the high school was scary at first, but she overall felt welcomed, and, judging by her successes she has clearly settled in well. 

Outside of school, she enjoys getting involved in multiple different activities which includes lacrosse. Mogor plays lacrosse for South Windsor during the spring and Lax Plus during the summer. Additionally, since third grade, she has been playing the piano. “It’s fun and hard sometimes but I enjoy it a lot,” she claims. The determination she has shown through both her lacrosse and piano proves how she will always work hard and not give up on her goals as president. 

Overall, Mogor will not fail to satisfy the freshman class of 2023 as their president. She is compassionate towards her work and has a clear purpose and path to reach her goals as the president. Throughout this year, Mogor will continually inspire and connect the students in her grade.