Mr. Zeuschner: From History Teacher to Interim Associate Principal

Jacob Chaimovitch, Editor

About a week before the start of school, Mr. Kuckel resigned as one of the associate principals of SWHS. Many wondered who would fill the void created in the Admin office on such short notice. On August 23rd, the Friday before the start of school, the staff got their answer. Mr. Zeuschner would act as the new interim associate principal. Zeuschner has worked in the South Windsor School Department for two decades and has a little administrative experience under his belt as well, so the temporary promotion came as little shock.

Zeuschner, as mentioned, is no stranger to the South Windsor admin office. “About eight years ago in the middle of the year” Zeuschner explains, “one of the associate principals had to go on leave for [what ended up being] three months and I filled in for that period of time”. He also went on to talk about his experience in his first school as a Headteacher/Dean of Students. One obstacle he found in the transition was that he likely will not be teaching for the first time in a long time. He hasn’t, however, lost the connections he strives to have with students outside the classroom. Whether it be a conversation about a history topic or his favorite sports teams, Zeuschner wants to keep those connections with students and stresses that his job isn’t just disciplinary.

As a teacher in the history wing that is capable of teaching multiple branches, Zeuschner has claimed to have taught nearly a quarter of them. Those students recognized Zeuschner’s bump-up to the admin team and some went out of their way, “coming up, congratulating [him] and saying that they were happy for [him]”. While his responsibilities have changed, the lasting connections remain. Zeuschner also tries to get out of his office, in Admin 237, and be in the halls during passing or in the cafeteria during lunch, simply to say hello to the students he has had over the years as he did when he was a teacher in the history wing.

As the position states, Zeuschner holds an interim job in the admin office. This means that, eventually, one of two things will happen. Either Zeuschner will stay in the position and get a permanent role on admin or another person is found to replace him and he returns to the classroom. Either way, Zeuschner does not plan to leave the South Windsor school district anytime soon. After twenty years on the Bobcat staff, he proclaimed that “[he doesn’t] ever want to be anywhere else, whether its administrative or teaching. I’m happy with what I’m doing [and] I’m happy with what I’ve done”. It’s like the saying goes: if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Zeuschner went on to praise the staff and students at South Windsor and says that he’s “honored, lucky, and happy to be apart of this school community”.

Whether it be in the history hallway or the administrative, it’s safe to say Mr. Zeuschner is here to stay. He has done a phenomenal job so far as one of three associate principals at SWHS under new principal Mr. Rizzuto. But, don’t just take my word for it. Be sure to look for him in the halls during passing time or in Admin 237 and say hello when you get a chance. Chances are, he’ll give a friendly hello back to you.