The First Italian Club Meeting

Noah Gehris, Editor

On Monday, September 23rd the SWHS Italian club held its first meeting for the 2019-2020 school year in room 226 after school. Italian club is an after school activity where Italian students and others can go to hangout with friends, cook and eat Italian food, and even play games like Bocce.

To continue, during the time we learned about our year together we were gathered with more than thirty students for the meeting, they were informed of the schedule of when the next meetings will be held, what activities they will do as a class, and what they will cook at future meetings. The class also started voting on who will be the club’s vice president and secretary.

As the first meeting was to set goals for the year and to inform students of what was to be done this year, the students were given the opportunity to have a drink and a snack as a friendly introduction to the new year. Students who also haven’t met Mrs. Zaccardelli were also introduced to the Italian club teacher.

A new Italian club member Ava Lawler, responded when asked the question, “How did you enjoy the first meeting of Italian club.” Ava answered with, “It was nice. Nice food. Very relaxing.” Another new student to the club, Kylie Correale, responded with, “It was hot, and the room was a little crowded. I feel like it could have been in a better place. The room was super enthusiastic even throughout the heat.” As the students both loved and hated their first experience, both agreed that it was a great experience to be included in. 

The first annual meeting of Italian club lasted thirty minutes which was informed going to be one of the shortest meetings of the year. Kylie Correale also stated, “It felt like it went by very fast. It felt like it was going fast because I had so much fun.” As the classes start to get longer the more activities we will be adding onto our group such as cooking and playing games with our peers.

The students of Italian club now wait until their next meeting which the official date hasn’t been announced but will be placed sometime next month.